Chapter 1

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His pudgy hands rubbed my shoulders, causing shivers to run through my body. "Lizzy, Lizzy, you know you are one of my most cherished workers." He croaked in what he probably thought was a seductive voice.

"Now, you know that corporate is forcing my hand. To remain at M&C corporate, you must show me how bad you want to be here."

Grinding my teeth, I stare at Mr. Martin, the senior director, my boss.

"I'm not sure I understand what you are asking," I whisper through clenched teeth as he circles my chair. "Well, it's simple, honey. Either, you get on your knees now. Or?" he smirks. " you pack your things and leave.

Stunned into silence, I look at the man, who I, until today, considered a father figure. Bile fills my mouth as he lifts my hand to his pants, squeezing my fingers around the bulge that has started to grow.

"You know I always had a thing for you, Lizzy." Gasping, I snatch my hands from his and stand, knocking the chair over in my urgency. Tears form in my eyes as I start to back away. "Hey!! Lizzy, where are you going? "He looked surprised. "I...I...I qu...Qu... Quit," I stuttered as I fumbled for the door, never taking my eyes from him. A deep growl startled me as I stared into his now pitched black eyes.

"You ungrateful, Bitch!! This is not over!! Do you hear my sweet Lizzy!!, you are mine." He snarled as I slammed the door in his face. I made my way to my desk long enough to grab my purse, not making eye contact with anyone as I rushed out.

Driving home, I couldn't get his eyes out of my head. Pulling up to the gate, I punched in my code. As the gate slid open, I couldn't help but keep a watchful eye on the streets.

As I pulled into my house, I sighed at the thought of what Mike, my fiancé, would say. He would assume it was my fault; Mr. Shaun was a friend of Mike's; he introduced us. It makes me sick that a man I trusted would treat me this way. I shakingly brushed the stray tears from my eyes. If I thought about it... I rarely do; Mike was the same as Mr. Shaun. I shape my whole life around him. I even switch my degree from culinary to marketing at his insistence.

How did I get to this point where his opinion mattered so much to me? My self-esteem has been battered repeatedly, but I refuse to leave... I couldn't leave.

Opening the door, I was met with utter silence. Walking into the living room, I shrugged out of my jacket, carelessly flinging it on the arm of the sofa.

Sweat dotted my forehead as I made the slow, painful journey up the stairs. I suppose this is another thing I should thank my fiance for. It was his idea to get a three-story house; think of it as a game, he said; the first person to lose 50 pounds wins. But, of course, I wasn't stupid to believe I was playing the game with anyone but myself. Climbing the last step, I let out a sigh of relief. Making my way to our bedroom, I could faintly hear the sounds of music playing.

Smiling, I slowly opened the door. Moaning and the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh greeted me as I watched my fiancé of three years pounding away in some bimbo. "Yes!!!Mike!" She screamed. "I know that voice," I thought as I watched her push her ass into my fiancé's dick. ...."MOM!!!!" I shrieked.

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