Chapter 4

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My beast has been restless all day, usually, I would chalk it up to council meetings, Kevin the Vampire clan leader always sets our teeth on edge. But not even Kevin's annoying dog references did not bother me as much as this uneasiness. Pacing around my house, I finally gave in to the call of my wolf.

I groan in pain at the transformation.

As soon as we are one, I instinctively know where we are headed. His favorite place to run is the woods running us along the border of our house, day after day like clockwork, it's as if he is waiting on something or someone...

Stopping at the sound of a car pulling up we hide amongst the forest and wait, ready to pounce if there is any danger to us. What the fuck would anyone be doing out here in the middle of the night? I think we have been here every day for hours, sometimes till dawn and no one has ever walked or driven this way

A snarl lodges in my throat as a frantic woman pushes another out of the car and whispers menacingly. Crouching lower, I wait silently to see what the female will do by herself.

Hours pass as I watch her. I can't take my eyes off her. Something about her has ensnared me but I won't dare get too close to her. I'm afraid of what will happen if I do, but I will make sure she is safe from animals like me.

After a few minutes, she slowly gets up and turns around, staring right at me. A growl lodges in my throat as I get a look at her face, she is stunning even under all those bruises, bruises that make me want to gut whoever hurt her. I follow her as she starts up the path leading to my house.

I am amazed at how far she actually goes, several times along the trail she stumbles and I had to force myself not to shift to help her. I don't fully trust humans, but something tells me she wouldn't betray me. I break from my thoughts as she loses her footing falling to the ground, I quickly shift and wait anxiously.

When she doesn't get up, I run to her side, rolling her over. I wince at the gash on her forehead. Picking her up bridal style I continue the walk to my house, telepathically calling Emmett the pack's doctor to come over.

I can't take my eyes off of her as I lay her on my bed, I stare at her face and slowly look over her body, I tell myself it was just to check over her injuries but my wolf, and I know that this is more. I move away from her when I hear my lieutenant come into the room.

I stare into the face of my closest friend, a look of surprise crosses his face when he gets a good look at her. " She's human" I nod, confirming what he already knows. " You hate humans," he replies, staring back at her.

It wasn't a secret to anyone in our world that I didn't really care for humans I left the interactions to the humans of my company to my uncle. "She was walking in my forest. What else was I supposed to do?" I reply, running my hands through my hair in frustration.

Emmett groans in frustration. "You should have dropped her off outside a human hospital, or a police station; she looks as if someone assaulted her!" He shouted at the end. a deep growl escaped me at the remembrance of the woman dragged her out of the car, instead of divulging what I knew, I growled at him to lower his voice. "Lower your voice," he mocked. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

" Just do your job".Sighing he moves closer to her sitting on the edge of the bed. He studies her face for a minute and drifts his sight to the rest of her body, his face one of professionalism. Gripping the hem of her shirt he starts to pull it up. I grip his wrist to stop him.

"What are you doing"? My wolf forces me to say. " I need to undress her to see what other wounds she has," he replies in an irritated voice. I know my eyes have turned pitch black by the stunned look on his face

" I can do it, get out". He quickly leaves without a word. Sitting at the spot he vacates, I stare into her face, even in her sleep she looks afraid. My hands shake as I reach for the hem of her shirt.

The door opens before I can, I turn my head ready to chew into Emmett. A startled laugh escapes me as I watch him enter with his eyes squeezed shut, holding a bowl of water and towels. He carefully makes it across the room, face screwed up in concentration. I take pity on him and reach out to clasp the bowl.

" I need you to clean the dirt and blood off her so I can see if the wounds are fresh". With those partying words he quickly leaves again. Dipping the towel into the warm water I slowly wipe her face careful not to press too hard. I let out a shaky breath at how beautiful she is. Once I am done I drop the towel into the bowl and place it on the floor at my feet.

Grabbing her shirt I slowly lift it over her head, her brown skin turning an ugly shade of purple and blue. An array of cuts adorn her skin, it almost looks as if the cuts spell a name. I grit my teeth in frustration. I need to focus not get angry. Before I can grab the washcloth, she grabs my arm, I stare into her fear-filled eyes, "Please don't let him find me " she breathes out before she passes out again.

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