Chapter 11 Fifa World Cup

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"Snowflake!" Scolded Madam Frizzelz with a fierce glare in her eyes. "How many times have I told you not to eat Belgium dark chocolate with your hands?!"

"But it's the only way to enjoy good chocolate miss!" Whined Snowflake as she slowly, very, very slowly placed the chocolate down.

"Nonsense! And it's Madam, not miss!"

"Both of ya shut up will you? I'm trying to enjoy the fifa world cup here!" Yelled Jackson as he glared at the two women.

"Fifa... World Cup?" Questioned the two females as Jackson gave them an irritated sigh.

"Follow me," he commanded as the two females did so and followed him into his bed room where the flags of countries were littered around. "This is the Fifa World Cup 2014..." He said as he switched on his television.

.:.:.:.:.:. 10 hours later .:.:.:.:.:.:.

"HA! I TOLD YOU THAT GERMANY WOULD BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF PORTUGAL!" Declared Snowflake with the German flag painted on her face.

"THAT TEAM WAS ABSOLUTELY CHEATING! I DEMAND A REMATCH!" Yelled Madam Frizzelz as she threw pop corn towards the princess.

"Mwahahaha!.... Never! See, once Paul died everything good happens!" Said Snowflake as she stuck her tongue out.

"... Paul... Never say such cruel things to a magical octopus! Never!" Cried Madam Frizzelz as Jackson sat with his father in the dinning room.

"Son, this is why I made sure that Elsa couldn't enter Arendelle in the Fifa Wold Cup... A fact if that the women in this family are crazy... And competitive..." Whispered Jack in fear as he winced when he heard something break.

"Hehehe.... So this is why Arendelle didn't managed to qualify..?" Asked a cold scary voice that sounded a lot like Elsa.

"Hi mother! Bye mother!" Yelled Jackson as he ran away.


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