Chapter VIII

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"So I heard about what happened today." said Ryan.

I shrugged.

"What ever happened to 'taking a break'? Or 'time off'?"

I shrugged again.

"You can ignore me all you want, but I know that you're responsible for your own actions. I know you, Jess. You're OCD like me, and I would've done the same thing. I like to save the day just as much as you do."

I wasn't sure how to respond, so instead, I began to brush my black hair until it was straight. Ryan eyed me carefully, but let it slip. I honestly didn't know why I didn't want to talk to him, or why I was ignoring him. I just did. Maybe it was the fact that I was embarrassed, maybe I was just tired of him always saving my ass, and wanted to take pride in doing something myself for once.

Either way, I didn't really say anything as the nightly news came on.

"And today, we caught the assassin who murdered Charlotte Priscal. We still have reporters trying to figure out if she is related to one of the CSI's here in Miami. Specifically Miss Jess Priscal-" I shut off the news with a click.

I shot to my feet, and began to walk towards the stairs. Ryan jumped up and blocked my way. "Ryan, move." I hissed.

He lifted my chin, so my hazel eyes met his deep brown ones. I averted my gaze and shifted my head so I couldn't see him. "Get. Out. Of. My. Way." I said, hoping he'd get the message. Instead, he crossed his arms.

"Jess, we can't get anywhere if you don't tell me why you're ignoring everyone. You were fine earlier, what happened? Was it the news that's got you upset?" He tried to get me to look at him, but I avoided it at all costs. I knew that if I met his gaze, I'd spill the truth. I wanted to, but I don't think I was ready to do that just yet.

"No, Ryan, I'm fine. I've had a long day. Please, just let me through. I had to tell my mother that her older daughter just died, my life is falling apart, and I now have about fifty more people who know my name thanks to my heroic self."

Ryan studied my face, trying to read my emotions, and I'm sure he could, because they were basically right out in the open. He stepped out of the way, and let me by. As I walked by, he lightly gripped my wrist.

"Yes?" I asked, willing my patience to hold on just a little longer.

"Everything will be better. Just hold on, okay?" Ryan swiftly leaned forwards and planted a kiss on my cheek.

I turned away quickly, knowing that my face was glowing bright red. As I darted up the stairs, I softly touched a hand to my cheek. I felt warm inside. There was a linger from where he had kissed me. Smiling to myself, I jumped into the shower, holding onto the good feeling that was blooming inside me.


My alarm clock startled me to life.

Yawning and scowling at the daylight, I got up from bed and began to get ready for work. We would have a busy day today, and maybe a new case.

Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs, Ryan was already at the table, eating a quick breakfast. He began to laugh at me, "What are you doing up? Do you have somewhere to go?" I stopped dead in my tracks.

Slapping my forehead, I sighed. "I forgot that I'm off the case. I thought I was getting ready for another day of work. Ugh. Do you realize how long I could've slept in for?"

"That's a bummer. Well, I'll be leaving in a few. And later on when I get back, I'll pack up my car and leave you be. My family's leaving town today."

I nodded, "Okay. Fine by me. See you later, Wolfe." I leaned against the wall, "I'll just be here, doing absolutely nothing all day..."

Ryan shrugged, "How far away does your mom live?"

"Maybe an hour or forty minutes away?" I answered.

"And how long did H give you time off for?"

I shrugged, "About a week. Or until the case is solved."

"Then go visit your mother. She needs you right now. I'm sure that Mya will keep you updated." Ryan gave me some pretty decent advice.

"Yeah, I'm sure she will. Especially since she basically gets to take over my whole job while I'm gone." I grinned.

"I'll put your house keys in your locker at work. That way you can get them when you come back. Take your time. I'll make sure everything's okay. I'll tell Horatio that you're going to be out of town for a little."

"Thank you, Ryan. I don't know what I would do if you weren't here."

"You'd probably wonder around clueless." We shared a laugh before he got up and left for work, leaving me to my own thoughts.

Later in the day, I packed a small bag for two days and two nights at my mom's house. I left a note for Wolfe making sure he knew to lock the door. It read that I'd be back by next Monday. Good enough. I put my stuff in my car, and drove off, heading for West Palm beach. One of the most prestigious places in Florida.


"Mom!" I cried and ran to her.

The second she had opened the door, I knew that this would end in tears. We embraced, and let the tears fall. She shut the door behind me, and we made our way to her spacious living room.

You see, the thing about Palm Beach is that no meter what house you look at, and no matter where you go, you'll almost always find people living large. My mother, for example. She owned a company that published books. And sure enough, here she was. But in the end, money didn't count for nothing at all. In the end, money couldn't bring my beloved sister, and her daughter, back from the dead.

"So," she began, holding back some tears, "How are you doing?"

I shook my head, "I'm not on the case anymore. Lieutenant Caine cut me from the case. It's for the best, though. I was blinded by justice so much that I let myself make false accusations. He gave me time off."

My mother sighed, "So you won't be able to find out who is in charge of this?"

"We caught the assassin, we just need to find who the person giving orders is. I have a few theories, but Natalia said that I was probably just bitter." I tried to think back to all those times when I thought I had seen him.

Riley Raven.

After taking up my ideas to Boa Vista, she immediately dismissed it; said that it wasn't possible. No one ever had seen or heard from him in years. He was dormant for at least five years total. But I didn't take that for an answer.

a/n: Holy crap an update! I thought it was about time so I was like, screw it. Spring break is near, and I'd like to try and finish up Signs of a Storm, and finish this one. (Sorry for the wait, school's a pain.) -Bela

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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