Chapter IV

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"Jess? Jess! Wake up!"

I shot up from bed, my covers tossed to the side, and my face covered in tears. A trickle of sweat ran down to my chin, and I realized that I had been dreaming. It was only a dream. Ryan Wolfe was right by my bedside, and he appeared to look worried.

"Jess, you were screaming in your sleep. You were shouting for your sister. You kept repeating, 'Charlie come back!' and yelled more."

I felt another string of tears fall. "Thank you, I-It was horrible. She was tortured, and killed. And I know she's gone, but, I-I don't know anymore."

I put my face in my hands as Ryan tried to comfort me. I didn't know that her death had taken that big an impact. My subconscious thoughts were now about her. Even though I had told myself not to look back.

"What time is it?" I asked.

Ryan looked over at the watch sitting on my dresser. "It's five in the morning." he said, studying my face with worry.

"Almost time to get up, then. My alarm usually goes off at 6:30. I could just get up now, since I don't think I'll be going back to sleep."

As I was about to get up, Ryan put a hand on my shoulder. "Jess, as much as you say you don't need it, you need sleep. You've been so busy for the past few days. Sleep in, I'll stay right here until you fall back asleep."

I really didn't want to listen, but I did, and fell back into my pillows. Ryan kept his promise, and stayed right by my side until I drifted into dreams and sleep again.


The sound of an alarm was what woke me up this time, and I actually wanted to go back to sleep this time.

Heaving myself from bed, I got up and brushed my hair before hopping into the shower. Every morning was the same, but I didn't mind. After getting out, I chose a casual outfit and went downstairs.

Ryan was there, but he looked like he hadn't even fully woken up yet. His hair was disheveled, and his tie was on backwards.

"Earth to Wolfe. Are you even up yet?"

He turned to me and gave a half-hearted thumbs up. "Sure." he replied.

Feeling bad for him, I fixed his tie and quickly made some toast. When we were done, I said goodbye and reminded him to lock the house before he left, giving him time to finish getting ready himself.

The drive to work was nothing new either, besides the few crazy drivers that existed in Miami. When I had gotten on I-4 and was almost to work, a black minivan drove right in front of me, cutting me off.

I waved my hand and was about to flick the guy off, but restrained. As I sped up and got in front of him, I looked to see the man driving.

As I peered through the window, a cruel smiling face stared back at me. Blinking once and then twice, I thought I hadn't seen right.

It was Riley Raven.

The minivan drove by and exited off the highway, giving me time to make sense of what I had seen. That wasn't him. Couldn't be. Shaking my head as I got off the next exit, I tried to calm down. What was wrong with me today? First, the waking up screaming, then the hallucination of one of my biggest enemy's brother.

What next? Finding out that my sister hadn't actually died, and it was all an elaborate prank set up by everyone in Miami?

I don't think so.


"So, what else did we find out about the body?"

I looked to Eric, who looked to Dr. Logan, who signed in defeat and spoke up, "There was cyanide poisoning that led to her death, one hour after she drank whatever was in that drink. The gun shots were most likely fired to scare everyone off. Eric? Did you find any shell casings?" he turned to Agent Delko, who nodded.

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