Chapter VI

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The next day, bright and early in the morning, we called in Arya.

Since this was my sister that may have been killed by her, Horatio tried to convince me not to go into the interrogation room. I convinced him that it would be fine. He reluctantly let me enter the room.

"So." said Ryan, who was there to back me up.

"So I see that you couldn't stand to go another day without me." Arya smiled.

"No, actually we didn't want to ever see you again." I answered before Ryan, putting my hands on the table across from her.

Arya gave me a slight scowl, "Who are you? I think I prefer talking to Handsome here." She gave Ryan another look.

"Why did you jump off that building yesterday, Arya?" Ryan dismissed her comments, giving her a hard stare.

"Me? Jump off a building? You're out of your mind." She shook her head.

"Please stand and hold out your arms." I commanded.

She stood, and walked to the center of the room. I noticed a limp in her step. Today she wore a small dress, and it seemed loose on her right side. "If you don't mind, can I ask why you're limping? And why do you keep reaching to your side?" I eyed her suspiciously. Arya replaced a look of pain with a look of defiance.

"I sprained my ankle." she commented.

"What about your side? Failed to kill someone?" asked Wolfe.

She smirked, "No, I bumped into a sharp desk."

I shared a look with Wolfe.

"If you could please lift your arms. I am going to inspect you for any weapon of any sorts." I looked for any sort of weapon, but when I got down to her leg, Arya reluctantly shifted onto her other foot.

Sure enough, I felt a bottle of some sort attached to her leg. I passed a look to Ryan. "Can I just talk with you real quick?" I looked over to him. We retreated to a corner, while Arya shifted from foot to foot, every once in a while touching her side. "Ryan," I whispered, "She's hiding something under her dress, it's attached to her thigh. I think she's not telling us something. But we need to know." I walked over to her, "Please lift this part of your skirt." I pointed to where the bottle was hidden under.

She sneered in defeat, but did. And there was a bottle of clear liquid inside of a tiny little vial. Of course, nothing that a trained assassin wouldn't carry. "Cyanide." I said, barely a whisper.
I glared daggers at her.

Ryan nodded to me and we went back over to her. "Miss Axel, you can take a seat." said Ryan. She did without hesitation. "Can you explain why we found your blood on a bandage in the same bathroom that Charlie Priscal was murdered in? And your fingerprints on the glass used to poison her? And the bottle of poison? I think you haven't told us the truth."

"Then what is this 'truth'?" she asked.

"I think that you snuck into the bathroom with Charlie, planted poison into her drink while her back was turned, and then changed your bandage while she coughed and cried out. You watched her suffer. Then, with the gun shoot-out as a distraction, you fled. Leaving her to die in pain. And I bet if we searched that building you jumped from, we'd find another body, perhaps one last kill? Or just another innocent bystander?" I said, glad to finally get my theory out and into the open.

She smirked, looking straight at me, "About time you idiots found out the truth." She twirled her hair on her finger. "I was hired to kill that bitch."

I glared daggers at her,, "That 'bitch' was my sister!"

"Well it wasn't hard to kill her either." said Arya. "I slipped some poison into her drink, and then she keeled over like a dog."

"Who the hell hired you?" I asked, fuming with anger.

She gave me a smirk, getting in close to my face, "I can't tell you that. But what I can say is that she was worth it. 9 grand, for a simple little whore."

"My sister was worth more than anything you could ever pay up to! She was a dignified woman! And now she's gone! Because of you!" I felt tears racing down my face, but anger made them hold up.

Arya just laughed.

"You think this is some sort of sick joke?!" I yelled, alerting people outside.

"No, sweetie. Not a joke. More like...revenge. Oh, and it was so sweet to see her choking on the poison, that made its way to her heart..." She smiled evilly, "And when she breathed her last breath, the satisfaction on my face, while her's writhed in pain."

I slammed my hands in front of her, my anger reaching the boiling point. I tried to lunge at her, but someone held me back, while I struggled with anger.

"Let me go!" I shouted, "LET ME GO!" I started to yell, while Arya watched with satisfaction, "SHE KILLED MY SISTER! LET ME GO!" I punched at thin air, while deputies came in and handcuffed Arya Axel, getting ready to take her away.

I struggled more, "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME! LET ME GO! SHE KILLED MY FUCKING SISTER!" I yelled and thrashed around, trying to grab her, anger boiling overload. Another person came over and held me back while I thrashed and kicked at her, while she left the room, with a smile on her face.

After she had left, and I could no longer see her, the pain of it all finally registered. I cried out, and then let the tears fall. The person holding me back gently let go of me. I toppled to the ground in a heap. I sobbed into my hands, not caring who saw me. A hand landed on my back, belonging to the person who held me back from lunging at Arya.

It was Wolfe.

"Jess, I-I'm so sorry about that."

I continued to cry into my hands. Ryan lifted me from the ground, and held me in his arms while I sobbed and cried. "She laughed, Wolfe. She didn't even care. And now my sister is gone. Charlie's never going to come back." I put my hands against Ryan's chest, and buried my face into his shirt.

"It's okay, she's been caught. The case is solved. You're going to be okay." He softly patted my back. "It's over now."

I shook my head, "No, Ryan, it's not. She was hired by someone! He was the one who is responsible for getting her killed!"

He lifted my head so I could see him, and he looked into my eyes as he spoke, "Then we'll find him. You really think we will let something like this slip by? We'll catch him, don't worry." I wanted to trust him, but it was so hard to. "Jess, please get up. You can do this. Just... don't let your emotions get the best of you."

He quickly glanced outside of the interrogation room.

I looked out, and saw Lieutenant Caine's stone hard face staring back at me. He had seen the whole thing. From my blowout, all the way to my breakdown.

And I wasn't getting off easy this time.

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