Judgement Day

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           I watch as congealed blood slowly drips out of the axe wound I inflicted on the man I once called my neighbour. Like most other people I once knew, they are now dead. Their corpses still walk though, feasting on the flesh of the living when they can catch them, and they will catch them. It's only a matter of time before they do. I know one day it will be my turn, my turn to be ripped apart by the cold dead hands of the walking dead. Everyone I know is dead, all of them. You may be asking how I managed to live so long if they are that good. It's simple, and this is my account of how I did it. I just hope one day someone will find this, and it will somehow help them to survive.

So, this is my story, the story of me, Jack May.

How humans gained the ability to rise from the dead, I am not quite sure about. There are many stories I heard over the past few months, since the first outbreak in London. Some are plain stupid, unbelievable in every way. But so was the notion of the dead walking and feasting on the flesh of the living. It was the thing of nightmares and horror movies, not something anyone would take as being possible, yet it was.

The first story I heard was it was a biological attack on London, a weapon designed for the population to rip itself to pieces, leaving a shell of civilisation to be destroyed. However, there was never any proof to this hypothesis, and no one ever owned up to an attack either, so to me, it seems stupid.

The second idea which was popular at the time of the first outbreak was it was some sort of bacteria, brought to earth on an asteroid. A space illness that is passed on similar to Aids, but with one major difference; it kills you and brings you back to life.

Both sound stupid, but how do I know if they are right or wrong? The truth is I don't, before the outbreak, I was just a simple man working from nine to five as a teacher of history. What I do know is true, is that as the infection passed on to human after human the process of killing the host sped up. The first infected person was reported widely as taking days to kill them. But when they came back to life and bit the staff in the morgue, it took them only a day to die and rise again. Then the people they bit it took less than twelve hours. It went on and on like that, until by the end of the week, London was no more, and it was killing in only an hour or even less. I heard stories of people dying and coming back in minutes, but I have never seen anyone change.

The only valuable information that I have which may help you if you find this, is how to kill them. They may seem to move slow and clumsy, but what you need to be ready for is when they jump at you. It only takes them seconds to be on you, ripping you apart. Now to kill them, aim for the head, hitting any other part of them will do little to slow them down. Killing the brain is the sure way to kill them, but you need to do it fast, or you're dead. I wish I could tell you more to help you, but am afraid that's all I know, all I can tell you now is my story.

The first incident I witnessed, was when I was driving home from work. I was stuck in traffic, and they came out of nowhere. I would say maybe twenty or more. The car in front of me was surrounded in seconds, hands pounding on the glass-like hammers hitting nails. Then heads started banging as well, smashing the windows, and pulling the family out like rag dolls. I wish I could say I tried to help them, but I couldn't. It happened so fast before anyone could help, they had their fingers sank into their bellies, ripping their organs out, and chomping them down. It felt like a lifetime, but it was over in seconds. The whole time I was scared and frozen stiff with the fear inside me. I only managed to advert my eyes when one launched itself at my car, smashing its brain on my front window.

After that, I raced home, home to hear screams coming from inside my house. All I remember is getting out of my car, and running, running as fast as I could, ignoring the screams coming from the surrounding houses. Inside, I found to my horror my wife dead on the floor, with one of those creatures biting, and ripping the flesh off her neck, and swallowing it down. Blood was everywhere, he was covered in it, my wife was, and it was all up the walls, and floor. I could see where he first attacked her, she managed to get away, only to be finished off in the kitchen. The sight filled me with rage, and without giving it a second thought, I bashed his head in with a frying pan. Over and over I hit him until his head was mush. Then I cried for hours, holding my wife close to me until it came to the time when I had to kill her as well.

Now months down the line, I sit in the same room, my house surrounded by the dead, smashing and banging on my doors and windows. The banging never stopping only getting louder and louder as more join in banging on my doors and windows. Each bang feels like it caused my heart to pound faster and faster. If it wasn't for the banging, I am sure I would hear my heart pounding in my chest. I know what they want they want to feast on my body, they want my flesh, my organs, my brain. All food to them which they can't digest causes their bellies to swell as they eat more and more. I saw one day when the woman who was once my neighbour Annie explode in front of my house after she feasted on her two children. She was banging on my door when the gases of the decomposing remains of her children got too much and she exploded against my door. Her rotting flesh spraying all over my windows. It was a disgusting sight, something I was glad I only witnessed once. I know it must happen more than once though, seeing bloated bodies has been a common sight as families like Annie barricaded themselves in their homes per government advice. It worked, it kept the dead outside, but it had another problem, it kept the dead inside too.

As I sit here writing this it comes as a surprise that I have lasted this long, if I am honest, I don't know how I did it I but did. I lost count on the near misses I have had, and the amount of those things I have had to kill. My hands are cut and blistered, my body is broken. I have done fighting, let them come. Let them take me, at least if there is an afterlife, I will see my wife again. I remember her smile, the touch on her soft skin. I can almost smell her perfume, her beautiful natural odder. It feels like she's in the room with me now. They will be in, in a matter of seconds, I can hear them. I am coming Lizzy, I am coming.

This is it, goodbye to whoever reads this, this is my en...

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