Chasing Bigfoot

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The existence of Bigfoot is something which is not a modern debate. For hundreds of years, sightings have been discussed, with native American legends and tales talking about a large hairy man in the woods of North America. Sightings spread across the whole of America, from Willow Creek California, where the majority of bigfoot sightings occur, to Carrolton Ohio. For most the idea of an ape-like human being able to live in the woods of North America and be able to hide from humans seems crazy to many, there is a lot who believe it. Groups across America hunt for Bigfoot and dedicate their lives to prove he exists. Most sightings, however, are proved to be fakes, with countless videos and photos being edited and altered to show something which isn't real. Only one video of Bigfoot can not be explained away, the famous video known as The Patterson-Gimlin film. A film shot in 1967 shows what appears to be a tall hairy man crossing a stream. His arms and proportions are not those of a human. Of course, this doesn't stop any believers from claiming it's just a man in a costume, but those who believe that will point out that there is other evidence which supports that Bigfoot is not a myth, not a man in a costume but a completely unknown species. Hair samples which can not be matched to any known species of creature on earth, footprints of human-like footprints all too large to be human, sounds in woods which sound like an ape been heard in the dead of night, deep in the woods of America. Whatever the evidence is it cannot be argued that more research needs to be done to prove the existence of Bigfoot, which brings us to our story.

"so what do you think of the opening statement? Do you think that will work, or does it need some tweaking?" Ryan asked.

Ryan and his friend Sean were friends from a small village of Coby, Nottinghamshire England. Neither were believers of Bigfoot but a video of a new sighting in a village in Ohio made Ryan think that this could be the subject to get him famous. He was 27, a filmmaker who was searching for his breakthrough story. His friend with him Sean was 25 and they met at University seven years before their journey to Ohio. Sean didn't believe in Bigfoot, he only believed in what he could touch, what he could see. He and Ryan had spent the past 4 years making videos for the internet based on some of the myths and legends of England. They had been to Abingdon to hunt for a ghost of a witch, to Sherwood Forest in search of werewolves, and even demon hunting in their home village after a man killed his family before being shot by the police. None of those stories though grasped the viewers they desired. They had dreams of being famous, being the team which people called to investigate stories which science and logic couldn't explain. What better way to do that than take on the mother of all stories, Bigfoot.

"That sounds great mate, we just need a spot to shoot it. I think maybe walking through the woods where the sighting was located?" Sean explained brushing his long blonde hair off his face.

Ryan nodded and turned, grabbing his bag off the bag seat of their hired car. They had been on a plane for twelve hours and now they were driving four hours through a countryside full of zig-zagging roads dodging rolling hills and thick forests only broken by fields of corn growing in massive open areas. They had never seen the countryside like they were seeing in Ohio. The forests were much thicker than those they had seen in England, and the trees much taller. Even the mountain air seemed different, much lighter with a smell of nature and not man-made pollution. The scenery would have taken their breaths away if they had time to look at it, but they didn't. they were behind on their schedule which meant Ryan had to work on the script and plan out the parts of the trip which they had no time to plan on the plane ride over or back in England. Ryan was tired, more tired than he could remember ever being. His brown eyes were red with bags under them and his short brown hair messy but he did not care. He would have time to get washed when they reached their hotel.

Pulling a folder out of his brown rucksack Ryan searched through all his research before he found a photo of the area where his witness had claimed to have seen Bigfoot. The photo was of a young woman posing in front of a large rocky outcrop in the thick Ohio woods. Above her, about twenty feet was looked like an eight-foot hairy man, his face completely covered in brown hair. He was dirty, covered in patches of mud. It was the latest photo of Bigfoot to come out of Ohio. Ryan turned the printed photo over, studying the map which was printed on the back. It was on the other side of the town and they weren't even close and the sun was going down already so they knew they couldn't film that day.

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