living with assholes

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It has been nine years since voldy-moldy killed harries (were going with that as a nickname) parents, lily and james potter. Harrie potter was not one year old anymore she was 10 and was going to turn 11 on this july 31. She was not happy or exited for her birthday like other kids would, cause she knew the dursleys would ingore it. Either way they still treated her like a maid except they didn't pay her.

Harrie had jet black hair and emerald green eyes. Harrie was slim and quite small for a 10 year old. Also the reason why her cousin dudley and his gang bullied (really which 10 year old has a gang) her. She got in al sorts of trouble like, pulling pranks on teachers and students.

Harrie's POV~

I was dreaming about a fly motorcycle? Until i heard a banging sound then- "up, get up, now" said my aunt petuina with a final Bang, l knew that my dream couldn't last to long. The dursleys SERIOUSLY don't like imagination for the same reason they were so boring and "normal".

"Are you up yet" she demanded "nearly" i said, "well get a move on , i want you to look after the bacon. And don't you dare let it burn, i want everything perfect on my duddy's birthday."
I groaned "what did you say"
"Nothing... nothing..." oh great how could i forget duddykins birthday! God i hope you can hear the sarcasm. I got on a pair of trousers, and i tuckin the baggy shirt.

I walk  into the kitchen, dudley was now opening his presents, i headed to go make breakfast and "not burn the bacon" i said mockingly i mean i have been doing this sense i was five.
Sudenly dudleys freind, piers polkiss walked in with his mother, and had the audcity to shoot a nasty grin at me, 'god boys are annoying'. Once we were in the car 'i had to go cause mrs. Figg broke her leg tripping on one of her millions of cats' they were pinching me and tugging on my hair and i was about to slap one of those idiots, suddenly they stoped, i was greatful they stoped.

They were looking at animals, and i saw a gorilla that looked seriously like dudley without his stupid blonde hair. I even got the  knickerbocker glory dudley didn't want cause it didn't have enough icecream on it, everything was going great so far until we got into the reptile house. But dudley and piers wanted the biggest snake in the house to move 'oh like its going to move on your comand'. But ofcourse it didn't move, honestly i was surprized it hasn't died of boredom. Im also getting bored, (i have no exuse to be talking to a snake so) dudley and piers left to go look at another reptile, i look back at the snake and it's staring at me.

"Hello?" Then it winked at me 'i know im pretty but getting told by a snake is something i don't want' then i felt a sharp sting in my ribs. Piers ran over and hit me in the ribs, dudley came along to.
'Great now im on the ground' i thought as i glared at the idiots, then shit you not, the glass dissapered, dudley and piers fell into the reptile exibit.

I was so shook i didn't even notice the people in the reptile house were now staring at the commotion that was going on. Dudley and piers were also so shook they couldn't even scream.
Until the snake started to slither out of it's exibit, screams and yelling. I was so shook (again) then the snake came slithering over to her ~thannkkksss amigggaa~

'What the hell' but i wanted to be polite, "anytime" and began to slither off makeing everybody run. I got up dudley and piers were still in the snakes exibit, soked, but the glass was there again
'Rotten luck' i thought while snickering, aunt petunia was banging and shricking on the glass. I felt a glare, i turn and see uncle vernon glaring at me.
We were waiting in the managers offfice (i can see her a karen)
Once we were in the car piers said "you were talking to it weren't you harrie" i saw uncle vernon grip the stirring wheel. Piers got home safe. When the dursleys were walking in uncle vernon grabs me by my hair "what did you do" vernon said "i don't know it was like magic" he growled he then shoved me into my cupboard "theres no such thing as magic" and sat down with a huff, aunt petunia giving him a large brandy.

Ig this chapter was k☻

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