things go alittle down hill

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It's been few days sense i figured put im a WITCH, weird right
Within a week is going to be my first year at hogwards school of witch craft and wizarding school. A huge man named hagrid told me most of what i need to know and thing or two about my parents, but so far i've been living the life.

Cut to september, 1991, wow would you look at that it's been a few more days sense hagrid took me (and sota kidnapped me) to shop for my school suplise. Ever sense i got back my aunt and uncle  have not even talk to me and when i mean talking to me, i mean


I have been started thinking about sueing them for well child abuse, and maybe even win, with the power im holding. It's been great but i just remembered how im going to get there, at least on time, i could ask the dursleys to take my there but i feel awkward doing it, or i can just walk, and sleep on the way there, nah i also don't know if theres even a station called nine and three quarters

Also, reminder thet i have never went or have been near close to kings cross or anyother train station. Well, theres no other way to get out of this house (trust me i have tryed before) so maybe i'll just HAVE to ask them. I went down stairs to find my aunt and uncle on the couch watching television.

"Er- uncle vernon?" My uncle grunted which meant he was listening "er- i need to be at kings cross tomarrow to- to be at hogwards" SHOOT! Why was i starting to stutter? Uncle vernon grunted again, i have to keep going "could you give me a lift?"
Grunt, i knew that meant a yes. "Thank you" and i started going to my room till, OFcouse buttface ALways has to say something, "funny way to get to a wizards school, the train. Magic carpets all got puctures, have they?" I didn't say anything cause i really didn't know what to say "where is this school anyways?" "I don't know" I didn't even where this school was, "i just take the train from platform 9 and three quarters  at eleven o'clock." My aunt and uncle stared at me. " don't talk rubish" said uncle vernon "there is no platform nine and three quarters"
"it's on the ticket"i said.

"Barking" said vernon "howling mad, the lot of them. You'll see. You just wait. We'll take you to your kings cross we're goijng up to london tomarrow anyway, or i wouldn't bother."
"Why are you going to london?" Cause i was really just trying to keep things freindly. "Taking dudley to the hospital" groand vernon "got to have that ruddy tail removed before he goes to smeltings"               
                                                   5 O'CLOCK

I woke up up and was so exited i couldn't go bavk to sleep, so i got on my jeans cause i didn't want to walk down to the train station in wizard's robes. I also checked, and checked to see if i had everything. Then 2 hours later the dursleys woke up and packed my huge and very heavy trunk into the back of their car. In no time vernon had put my trunk on a cart and wheeled it into the station for me, i thought it was too nice of him, right?

" well, there you are girl. Platform nine - platform ten. Your platform should be somewhere in the middle, but they don't seem to have built it yet, do they?" My mouth went dry. It was just me now, and nobody.

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