4 Houses

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Once i got the whole "what on earth was i supposed to do"

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Once i got the whole "what on earth was i supposed to do". I found this really kind, but alittle weird, family. They helped me get on to the platform and i became freinds with their son, Ron Weasley, which was neet. Also met a girl and boy named, Hermione Granger, and Neville Longbottom (REALLY weird name so kids have). But right now we were getting "sorted" really im nervous cause ron said we HAVE to fight a troll.

Proffesor Mcgonagall came up with a huge roll of parchment and started to call names.

First she call a girl named Hannah Abbott, a blond haired girl walked up the hat only lasted a few seconds on her head before calling hufflepuff. Next was her friend, Susan Bones, hufflepuff, Terry Boot, (i thought he looked like an idiot) ravenclaw. Mandy Brocklehurst got ravenclaw, millicent bulstrode got slytherin, maybe it was just be me, but all the slytherins looked like an unpleasant lot. 

I started to think about the times in gym where none wanted to pick her for dodgeball cause they didn't want dudley to think that they liked her.
Same gross feeling in my stomach

"Flinch-Flechly, Justin!"
"Finnigan, Seamus!"
I have the worst thought. What if i go up everyone watching me and, then the hat takeing to long, Mcgonagall ripping it offf of my head saying their must have been a mistake.
Then i snaped out of it and noticed i was holding my breath.

Morgan Macdougal then came up and got sorted to gryffindor. Then that stupid malfoy kid swaggered up, and not even a saecond got Slytherin.
It felt like a count down now 1....2....3....4...... next was moon, nott, parkinson, patil, patil, then
"Perks, sally-anne!"
"Potter, Harriet!"
"Potter, did she say?"
"The harriet potter?"
That was the last thing i heard and saw before the hat dropped on my head.
"Hmm" i heard "Difficult very difficult plenty of courage, i see. Not  abad mind either. There's talent, oh my goodness yes- and a nice thurst t k prove your self, now that's intresting.... so where shall i put you?"
I gripped the side of the stoll
Not slytherin, not slytherin
"Not slytherin eh? you could be great you know, it's all here in your head, and slytherin will help you on your way to greatness, no doubt about that- no? Well if your sure - better be"
i swear i heard a loud apluase erupt. I- got up and walked up to the marron colored table.
Percy the prefect led us to the gryffindor tower, he also explained the rules and stuff, Whatever not the most important thing. We all got roomates, i got with some girls and Hermione, i think their names were Parvati apatil, Amanda Moon, and me. Hermione was also talking like crazy fast about whatever, i could tell the other girls were getting annoyed too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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