Chapter Three: Charmy Is Watching You!

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Team Forces and Rouge were at Sweet Treats Shop, waiting for Silver to arrive. Rouge saw that Silver's ice cream was starting to melt.

Rouge: Silver's ice cream is starting to melt, We've been waiting here so long. Obviously Silver's just too busy with his new career to spend time with friends.

Shadow: I'm sure he just got tied up.

Rouge: [Annoyed and jealous] Of course he did. He's a big bright shining star! I wish that star would burn out.

Espio: [Shocked] Rouge! Silver is our friend!

Rouge: I know, I know. And I should be happy for him, but instead I'm just... jealous! Oh, please promise you won't tell him I feel this way. Please, please, please, please, please!

Amy: You have our word. Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.

Charmy: [Sternly] Forever! [They all see Rouge putting on one of her coats]

Shadow: Wow! You look great!

Rouge: Silver may be the one who's famous, but that doesn't mean I have to stop looking fabulous. [Leaves along with Shadow]

Cut to a few minutes later.

Fluttershy: [Runs into Sweet Treats Shop] Rouge! I'm so sorry I'm... Oh no. She's already gone, isn't she?

Espio: Sorry.

Silver: Oh, I can't believe this! I am so frustrated, I could just scream! [Inhales as he tries to scream, but it comes out as a squeak instead]

Espio: Feel better?

Silver: [Sighs] No. Can I tell you guys something?

Amy: Of course.

Silver: You promise not to tell Rouge?

Amy: We swear.

Silver: Pinkie Pie Swear?

Amy: Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my [Pokes her eye] Ooowwwww! How do ponies even do this?!

Silver: I don't like being a model. No, I hate being a model. All this attention is awful, just awful. And I'm only doing it because Rouge told me I must. I must! I must! [Sighs] I must...

Amy: Oh, really? Well... If you wanna know the truth, Rouge... [Remembers that she has to keep her promise]

Silver: Oh, what were you about to say?

Charmy: [Sternly] Forever!

Amy: Nothing!

Cut to Team Forces exiting Sweet Treats Shop.

Knuckles: I was just thinking. If you really don't like being a model, you could always quit.

Silver: Oh, no. I could never do such a thing. Rouge would be devastated.

Amy: But Rarity told us... [Gasps as Charmy pops out of nowhere

Charmy: [Sternly] Forever!

Amy: Uhhhhhh!

Silver: Oh, if only all these mobians didn't like me so much. Mos-Declaro wouldn't want me to model anymore. She'd find someone else with... the magic!

Amy: I guess you're right. [Pause] You're right. You're right, you're right, you're right!

Green Cat: It's Silver!

Silver: Oh no! Not again! [Runs away from the paparazzi]

Cut to the Team Forces Headquarters.

Sprixie: Don't you see? On his own, Silver could never do something unattractive. But if I used my magic to help him do something unattractive at his next fashion show, no one will ever want him to model again. And if Silver no longer has to be a model, Rouge will no longer have to be jealous of him. And we'll no longer have to keep their secrets! It's the perfect plan! You can't tell anyone about it. Promise you won't tell anyone?

Charmy: [Miming]

Amy: So you do promise or you don't?

Charmy: Uh, yes! Obviously, that's why I zipped my mouth closed, then locked it with a key, then dug a hole, then buried the key, then built a house on top of the hole where I buried the key, then moved into the house on top of the hole. [Squeels]

Vector: Obviously.

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