Chapter Four: The Next Fashion Show

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It was time for the next fashion show, and Amy and Silver were talking about the plan.

Silver: You really think it'll work?

Sprixie: They love you for being you. So all I have to do is make you not be you. Just leave it to me. [Music begins to play as Silver walks onto the stage]

Rouge: [Walking inside Station Square Studio] Guess it's time to see what all the fuss is about. [Walks into the crowd]

Fluttershy: [Sprixie uses her magic to make Silver trip] Oof! [The music stops as everyone including Rouge gasps in shock]:

Silver: [Keeps on falling] Ooh... Aah! [Everyone gasps in shock again as Sprixie uses her magic to make Silver bark]

Rouge: Oh no.

Silver: [Brays as everyone gasps again]

Green Hedgehog: Get him off the stage!

Purple Hedgehog: He's an embarrassment to all things fashion!

Mos-Declaro: I, Mos-Declaro, have made a terrible mistake! [Everyone starts booing]

Rouge: [Claps and cheers] Bravo! I say bravo!

Purple Cat: Bravo? Who could possibly say bravo to that horrid display?

Rouge: Such attitude! Such pizzazz! He's invented an entirely new kind of modeling! Bravo!

Purple Cat: Who is saying these things?

Red Mouse: It's her. [Points at Rouge] The white bat in the gorgeous cape and headdress.

Purple Cat: Now that is a bat who clearly knows a thing or two about fashion. Well, if that fabulous bat likes it, then I do too! Bravo! [Everyone starts clapping and cheering]

Silver: [Moans]

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