Part 13 ||An eventful school day||

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⚠️Warning: mentions of sexual assault⚠️

Nicholes POV:
During Biology me and Edward sat next to eachother as always waiting for class to begin. We were quietly talking about the new girl because according to Edward he cant read her mind which was very bewildering. Edward has never had trouble reading anyone's mind so when I heard these news you could say I was more than surprised. Our conversation was quickly cut off tho when I saw Edward tense and cover his nose.

"Are you alright Eddie?" I said before turning my head to see what he was looking at. My eyes were met with brown ones. None other than the infamous Bella Swan was standing at the door infront of the fan. I gave her a slight smile not wanting to seem rude for staring at her.

"Hi, do you have the pass?" Mr. Molina said looking at Bella with kind eyes but a rushed voice

Bella handed him a pass followed by a quiet Thank you from our teacher.

"Okay Bella since your new I would like you to sit at the front with Edward." My teacher said capturing me and Edwards attention fully.

"Nichole could you do me a favor and get your things and sit next to Alex over there in the back I would like Bella to sit in the front since she's new and you've never had trouble paying attention in class." Mr. Molina said now looking at me

I shared a glance at Edward who looked back at me with worried eyes

"Yes of course Mr. Molina." I said grabbing my things and giving one quick glance at Edward before grabbing my things and walking to the back of there class where none other than Alex was sitting with a smug smirk on his face.

I breathed a heavy sigh looking at the douche bag who was now gonna be my new Biology partner. Setting my things down I grabbed my headphones and put them in hoping the music would tune out the annoying voice of the boy sitting next to me. I've never had trouble with Biology because I've always been naturally good at it so listening to music while learning was no biggy.

I looked up from my notes to see Edward looking beyond disturbed and tense. I wanted to stand up and check on him but that would cause a scene therefore bringing attention to us which we didn't need right now. So instead I spoke to him through my thoughts hoping he would here me.

Edward are you okay? You seem really tense.

That caused Edward to look at me and give me a small nod that was not reassuring one bit but it was enough to settle my worries slightly.

You've been like this all day we're gonna have to talk about it after school

Suddenly I heard a voice in the back of my head which startled me a little causing Alex to give me a questioning look.

Okay Nichole we'll talk about it after school I promise.

With that I stopped trying to reach him with my thoughts and refocused on my notes when suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh.

I turned my head over immediately to look over at Alex who had a smile on his face. Only it was not comforting in the very least. It made me feel uncomfortable more than ever actually.

"You were very feisty in the hallway today. I like you like that. I love when you get feisty with me baby.." Alex whispered which made me cringe at his words

When he spoke he kept nearing his hand up my thigh. I was frozen in place. His grip was becoming closer and harder. I bought myself back to reality grabbing his hand and trying to take it off but he wouldn't budge. I started to panic when suddenly the bell rang and I was hardly yanked up from my seat.

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