Child!Sabre AU

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Both for ss and rq

This scenario is more on the side of ss

(im not sure how this story would start out)

Sabre joins the world on accident when he was a child.

As for age I would personally take the daycare age. So... 3 I think.

Just a fair warning, I'm a void!dad sucker.

And there are no children steve's. They just spawn as dumb adults. :)

Most steve's. Have no clue what young players look like.

They just assume they're like steve's. They just come into the world as adults.

So small childbr gets thrown into that world and has no idea what he's supposed to do to get back.

He kinda just roams a bit before some steve's find him.

They take him to some elders-

(in rq I could imagine they would bring him to some smart steve's who might know what they're doing)

So the elders can figure out what to do with him.

One of the elders was able to contact galaxy Steve.

They gave sabre to galaxy Steve.

Void and galaxy are already split so.

Galaxy Steve is an idiot.
Void is the responsible one.

So galaxy comes back to his home and just sits the child down.

He realizes he has no clue what this is.

So he trys to take care of sabre but fails.

Fails such as-
-feeding him pufferfish
-setting fires everywhere
-giving the child a knife/sword
-giving sabre the core of the universe

Galaxy eventually finds out that sabre can eat sandwiches. :)

So he won't starve.

Sabre of course being an evil little bean, causes havoc in the house.

Even worse, he dissapeard whenever galaxy takes his eyes off of him.

So galaxy is absolutely sleep-deprived cause he keeps on having to save sabre from dying.

Now one day void comes to galaxy's home cause he wants to argue with galaxy about the work he's been ignoring.

Void walks in and is immediately met with an absolute mess of a house and galaxy looking like a walking corpse, holding a child.

Void can't even begin to argue with galaxy cause galaxy just collapses.

Sabre just sits.

Void takes sabre and decides that maybe he should take care of that little gremlin thing.

He quickly understands that this is a player child and all he needs to do is let sabre get exhausted, then he should be no problem.

So void takes sabre places where the little bean can destroy as much as he wants and then takes him home and tucks him in.

A Day later galaxy finds out that voids taking care of sabre, but only if galaxy did his work again.

So galaxy made 2 steve's.

Elemental and time steve.

Void wasn't really fond of the idea of making more steve's to take care of the universe but he figured out a good deal with galaxy.

Galaxy works 5 days a week and time and elemental on the weekend.

Void does his usual work and takes sabre with him, he can use the player for some minor destruction.

Since time and elemental are only needed on the weekend they mostly take care of sabre when void can't take him to work-well... Or at least time takes care of sabre.

Time is kinda like the caring older brother and elemental is kinda just that one sibling that ignores the entire family.

Altough elemental doesn't care much about sabre... Sabre... Has a certain... Liking? Towards him.

Basically sabre hangs onto elementals leg while the poor guy's just trying to live life...

Void is the most responsible and also the one to keep the child in control most of the time.

He takes care of sabre, making sure he's fed and healthy, he also makes sure the player gets enough sun and fresh air.

It's basically void dad. Or void mom.

Whichever one :))))

Later on galaxy creates illusion for some help with Terraforming.

Whenever illusion and Sabre hang out with each other, illusion makes a little Bubble full of adventures where sabre can go explore and tire himself out.

He also like messing with sabre, like making illusions around him of food, animals, blocks, toys and so on.

Sabre doesn't like that very much. He likes touching things... But he can't touch illusions.

And yes.

Although sabre is a child,
He's the oldest sibling.

Cause elemental and time were created after sabre was taken in.

Sabre lives with void.

Although galaxy and void don't live together, Time Steve often comes by voids place to play with sabre, same with illusion.

Galaxy drops by on weekends to take sabre out on fishing trips.

And elemental, well... He doesn't visit, but sabre keeps on finding ways into the inbetween to find his favorite brother.

That's as much as I got at the moment for child sabre.

Oof this is a bit of a mess.
Maybe I'll get some more ideas for this in the future :D

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