Traitor au

691 25 73

Both ss and rq.

For now this one's based in rq.

(we came up in discord with this one)

Sabre? :

Sabre is a traitor and is actually working for void, trying to manipulate rainbow steve.

He's the one giving all the plans, that the leaders are making to stop the darkness, directly to void.

As to why sabre would be evil...

I feel like he would just be doing for thrill and adrenalin.


Another idea that came to mind for traitor!Sabre was.

He hears the voices.

You know those voices technoblade hears. Yeah, apply that to sabre. Boom.

So. Basically, his viewers are the voices.

I could imagine sabre just hearing

"villain Sabre pog!"

Or he'd hear : (a friend of mine did a great example of how this would sound)


You know. The normal voices.

Then there's the people telling him to kill someone like...

A steve is standing at an edge and didn't notice sabre behind him

The voice goes "push"

And then more and more voices join in telling him to push the steve-

Until it is just an inaudible mess of voices

Sometimes all the voices unit and chant random things like...

"knive" "knive" knive"


"burn him, hes a witch. Burn the steve!"

Then there's just voices making entire war plans and just saying those in a loud enough voice so that they're louder than the other voices.

Sometimes the voices go completely quiet.
Then one voice starts telling sabre what to do.

Now. Back to sabre.

What if... When sabre is in a panic, and doesn't know what to do. He'll do what the voices tell him to do.

No matter what it is. Like... Sabre goes into a panic mode when maybe... If he gets found out and then cornered by the steve's that once thought he was a friend.

The voices would tell him to grab any near object and ramm it into whatever is blocking his way out
Even if that means stabbing a steve

Back to sabre:

But I also think that sabre would love to be a minor inconvenience.

Like... Moving things
Like... Moving a bell pole to another location in a camp
Or Moving beds in houses or... Moving furniture
Just... Messing up orderly chests
Scattering random items everywhere
:0 throwing paint everywhere :D
Or dye-i don't know

I'd also imagine that he'd kidnap people just to put them into a different house

Lets say green steve is sleeping in his house. Boom. The next morning he wakes up in the citadel



his whole thing based in ss

I think he would work for nightmare

Or with nightmare.

I don't think sabre would work under nightmare, it would rather be a part time alliance.

He'd help nightmare.... Get rid of some of his problems and in turn nightmare helps sabre with his problems.

In ss perspective... I could imagine sabre actually being a danger to steve's.

Like... He'd burn down villages, kill people and stuff

He would probably hunt down that blue steve that tried to kill him

I'm not sure. I haven't thought this through yet.


It's very messy right now.
Might update this some other time. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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