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Kirin was still fixing the plants when she heard the door to the shed open. Legoshi trapped his tail into the door and ran away.

Kirin smirked.

He backed out.

Kirin walked to the shed and opened the door then crouched beside Haru.

"Haru darling are you alright?" Kirin said, knowing exactly what she was thinking as Haru looked at her with a blanket around her.

"He was here for the flowers, Kirin," Haru exclaimed, knowing that she had screwed up.

"He runs away, a large-sized Carnivore like him? He covers me with a sheet and leaves before being seduced?" Haru said, thinking to herself and wanting Kirin to also answer.

"Aha, Legoshi is a strange Wolf I know but he is quite shy if I say so myself," Kirin said as she grabbed Haru's clothes off the floor and gave them to her.

"I'll be off now, see you later Haru." Kirin smiled before closing the door softly and walking off back into the school building.

Kirin was walking down the stairs only to see one of Legoshi's friends and him discussing something.

She walked past them and then went down to her room to go back to sleep.

Another day, another slay.


"All of you on this stage overcame the differences and challenges among species and therefore have earned a prestigious prize."

"Your contributions help Cherryton to thrive and to prosper. Which is why we have gathered here today so I can present."

"The Cherryton Honor Award to you all." The Headmaster said loudly and proud as he spoke into the microphone.

The Drama Club students were lined up as they were announced as the winner of the Cherryton Honor Award.

Louis and Kirin took the certificate gratefully from Headmaster Gon.

"I expect another successful year ahead for the Drama Club." Headmaster Gon smiled at the two prodigies before him as the crowd clapped.

"Of course Headmaster, you can count on it," Kirin said with a smile as she took the certificate in one hand and a microphone in the other.

As Kirin stood next to Louis with microphones in hand, he began to speak their speech,

"Coexistence and co-prosperity. Our Drama Club will continue to, demonstrate its glory on this stage," Louis said proudly as the light bloomed upon him and Kirin.

"And, our Drama Club has things that other clubs may not have, passion and equality. We will continue this as well, thank you." Kirin said as the crowd started to clap and whistle loudly at the two leaders of the Drama Club.


"Ready? Music please." Shiela, the cheetah said as Kirin instructed the dance group.

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