School the Next day.

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Baku's POV:
He was sat on the edge of his seat, watching the time. All of a sudden, an announcement came over the intercom.

"Could Katsuki Bakugo please make his way to Nezu's office immediately!"

He stood up and was off like a shot. He ran the halls and stairs to get to the office.

He burst through the door, sweating and out of breath.

"Ah, Mr.Bakugo. I believe this is yours," Nezu said, gesturing to a dog in the corner.

"Yes she is sir. My apologies. May I keep her with me today? I promise-"

"Alright Mr.Bakugo. Just take her."

"Thank you sir," He said, nodding.

Izuku's POV:
He heard the announcement, he saw Bakugo. He was confused. He ignored it. He paid attention to the lesson before realising that he was way behind. He focused as best he could.

His attention was grabbed when Bakugo walked in with a puppy in his arms.

"Listen problem child. What was the agree-"

"I have permission from Nezu. You could even ask him."

"What ever. Anyway..."

That was strange. What agreement? Was there something he didn't know?!

He went back to work.

(Skip to lunch)

He was sat with his squad while eating when he noticed Baku's swad doting
over the puppy. He decided that this was enough. He took his phone and texted his mom to pick him up from school. She agreed to but he didn't answer when she asked why. He walked to recovery girl's room to tell her that he wasn't feeling well and his mon said she'd pick him up from school. She said she'd tell Aizawa and he headed down to meet his mom.

(When he got home)

"Are you honestly feeling unwell or was there another reason?" His mom asked as she made dinner.

"Honestly it wasn't because I was feeling unwell. Just...hold on, let me take this," he said as he was interrupted by his phone ringing.

He walked to his room and answered it.

"Hey Kacchan! What's up?"

"Where the hell are you nerd! You just vanished!"

"Oh. I went home early. Why?"

"Just come over to mine in an hour, got it?"

"K, Kacchan, see ya in an hour."


He plugged his phone in and left it in his room before heading down to the kitchen. Dinner was ready.

"Listen Mina, I just need you to mind her for me for 2 days. Is that too much to ask!"

"Nope, bring her and a bag over now and I can take her."

"...thanks Mina...see ya soon...wish me luck..."

"Good luck, see ya,"

Thank god I told someone about her when I did...

Deku's POV:
He helped his mom wash up before running to grab his phone. It takes him 10 mins to walk to Bakugo's house and it was 15 mins until he was ment to be there. Surely Kacchan wouldn't mind him being 5mins early.

"I'm going over to Kacchan's. I'll text you when I'm heading back."

"Okay, be safe honey!"

"Will do!"

And with that he left.

He decided to walk slowly to fill that 5 mins in. By the time he got there, there was 1 min left before he had to be there. He knocked on the door.

"There you are nerd," Katsuki said, grabbing his wrist and dragging him in.

"What was so urgent that you needed me of all people to come here?"

"I called you because we need to talk."

Well, you immediately know what was going through Izuku's mind.

What have I done? Was I rude? Did I somehow injure that dumb dog of his?

When he came back into reality, he saw that they were heading into the attic.

He watched Katsuki struggle to climb through the skylight so he offered to help. Katsuki, being Katsuki, denied. When Bakugo got up, he offered his hand to help Izuku up. He took it and climbed up to join Bakugo on the roof.

"Follow me." Bakugo said, ascending the roof.

He followed after. They were soon at the old hideout. Katsuki climbed in first and pulled a blanket around his shoulders. He sat across from him and was thrown a blanket. He did the same.

"What was so important that you had to drag me up to this old thing?" He asked.

"So we could talk in private. My dad and I were up here earlier making improvements." Katsuki pressed a button and some tinted windows rose from the railings.

"Nice. So...are you gonna talk or...?"

"Listen...I brought you here specifically to talk about something that happened in the past."


"Re-Remember your 13th birthday?"

He went red at the memory.

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