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Baku's POV:
"Well...just look at this..."

Katsuki opened the toychest next to them and took out a photo album.

He handed it to Izuku who looked confused but opened it none the less.

The first page was...

"Ultrasounds?! Why would you keep them here! Auntie should have them!"

"K-keep looking through it..." he said nervously.

Izuku flipped the page and looked at the photo.

It was a picture of him with...

"A baby? Is she like a cousin or someone?"

"Keep. Looking." He said, a little annoyed by now.

Izuku turned the page.

That photo. He remembered his mother showing him it before getting it printed up to add to the album.

"Kacchan...is it...yours?!" Izuku asked, putting 2 and 2 together.

He nodded. He showed Izuku his lockscreen. It was a pic of him asleep on the couch with his child asleep on his chest.

"Who's the mother?"

"You dumbass. I am the mother. B-because of you..." he had said too much.

Izuku went red before flipping back to the ultrasounds and reading the name.

"I-I...what's the gender?"

"She's a girl..."

"Sh-she's OURS?"

He nodded, going red.

"Are explosions really your only quirk?"

He shook his head.

"I have a second quirk... I call it canine. It basically means I have dog or wolf like traits. I g-gave you me as a present because I had just found that I was a Beta. That must mean you're...nevermind."

"I'm what?"


"Why do you say that?"

"Because Omegas and Betas can't impregnate higher ranks. Betas can't impregnate other Betas. Omegas are the same. Only Alphas can impregnate them."

"Oh...wh-what's her name?"

"Ash...I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Tears stung his eyes.

Before he could comprehend what had happened, he was being held in someone's arms. He inhaled the sweet scent of the person holding him. He knew it was Izuku because of the sympathetic scent coming in waves. He eventually calmed down. When he drew away from Izuku's chest, he brought his face level with Izuku's. Without thinking, he kissed Izuku.

Izuku soon took over the kiss. Only when they parted for air did they realise that they were now on the mattress they had performed the action that had brought Ash into this world all those years ago.

"Do you wanna go again? As an apology?"

"Yes. But only if you wear fucking protection. I love Ashley with all my heart but I don't want another one."

"Fair enough...you got any?"

"Here, he said, tossing one from the box at him.

"Right." Izuku said, undoing his jeans.

Katsuki followed suit.

Izuku put the condom on before asking him.

"Anything you want me to do during this?"

"Acctually...yeah! This." He said, putting a collar around his neck. "I want you to use it to hold me up."

"If that's what you want~"

He crawled over to Izuku and the greenette picked him up and positioned Katsuki infront of him.

Izuku's member thrust deep into his tight asshole. Izuku began to thrust at an insane speed. He couldn't understand how this was possible for a person to achieve but then he remembered Izuku's quirk.

He was now being fucked senseless. Izuku had a strong grip on the back of his collar.

"Ahhh~ Izu~ Mah~Master! Just there~! Again, again~!"

"You really want that?" Izuku asked.

He nodded.

"Then beg."

"Oh~ Master~! Please-PLEASE Hit my prostate again~! Please Daddy~! I'm begging you~!"

"Heh...good enough~" Izuku said before ramming back into Katsuki's prostate.

He was screaming with the pleasure at this point.

"Daddy, daddy, DADDY~! Ahh~ I-I'm close~!"

"I know kitten, I am too."

The 2 of them came within 10 minutes of that announcement.

He slowly lifted himself off of Izuku's member and turned around to remove the condom.

"What you doing now, kitten?"

"This~" He said before taking Izuku's member into his mouth.

Izuku blacked out with the pleasure.


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