Chapter 1

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    Well I will make this short but I commit suicide and that is it, THE END. Eryln talking like a hopeless person in the world, laying on the green grass under the sunlight “Hi there, I am here to pick you up!” a cute little boy approached Eryln,
   “Are you the angel no I commit suicide I suppose you are the little demon to pick me up right?” “I’m not demon nor do angel, human call me the Grim Reaper!” With an unbelievable face Eryln shouted. “how can a Grim Reaper sent to me be so cute?”. Hugging the
   Grim reaper tightly, the little grim reaper couldn’t do anything by Eryln touch. “I am here to give you punishment for you, because you didn’t value your own life!” “but first I need a reason why you commit suicide?” “People said this before, ‘a human doesn’t deserve to live if he is lazy’ something like that!”
      “so……?” “my laziness is too much, I even felt bored to do anything, I just wasn’t to sleep all day without thinking, now that I died, I can sleep eternally”
         Eryln smiling to the max, while the little grim reaper started to felt guilty looking into Eryln eyes.
      “you are the first human to do that while I have already helped some human to turn back time, to revenge, to fulfil their regrets but you die for eternal sleep, then everything adds up” Eryln just lay comfortably until her punishment were announced,
   “now I announced Eryln Carly punishment, Eryln Carly will be wandering in the mortal world with the abilities as a magician to go through countless death experience but she wouldn’t die except she found the reason to live, she will dissipate after fulfilling her punishment”
“and the power you receive can turn back time will turn back if you have the desire to, it’s a bless for you.”
“am I getting play by now, my reason to die because I voluntary to die…”
  “and that’s why this is your punishment, and there is more, you won’t die even if someone killed you not until you have the reason to live” The grim reaper showered Eryln with something sparkle that Eryln have no idea what is that,
“some may call it is blessing and some may call it curse, it is up to you, but this is your punishment” “what a waste, now I need to return to live again as someone else, I thought after death I completely sleep without any problem, now I need a reason to live?”
     Eryln couldn’t do anything, she just lay on the green grass looking up feeling the night breeze, instead of a peace she got quite mess up life.
“I could only wait for tomorrow to come” letting out sigh, her eyes slowly closed, trying hard not to sleep, her eyes closed not knowing what was waiting her up ahead.
“wake up, sister!”
Hearing someone yelling at me, it was a boy voice. Suddenly Eryln recalled about her punishment. “suicide isn’t the right thing in the first place, now that I need to live longer, shit!” Cursing n her own language, a little boy that yelled at her just now looked at her wondering what is her sister talking about.
      “big sis, what did you talk about just now?” “nothing, just something” while the little boy was talking toward Eryln thought went far away from the earth,
     ‘how did I spoke their language and how did I understand it, where am I, what the hell happen, why there is no clock, where is my phone, who the hell is he, why there is no technology, what type of style of clothes is that……’
“big sis you need to come down to eat!” “what huh, oh yeah” Confused herself, her stomach let out a sound as a sign of hungry. “I never thought I revived in a time and place I didn’t know besides I am in a 12-year-old body!”
‘my real age is just a two years older’ in Eryln mind. Right after Eryln went down, a bunch of kids run toward her and hugged her tightly, while Eryln confused and stand like a statue. “they were so worried for you to have a high fever the last two days and you just gotten better yesterday”
A lady in her twenties talked to her with a worrisome expression toward Eryln.
In Eryln conscience ‘a bunch of kid, women in twenties, big sis……if you think about it, am I an orphan!? Little grim reaper, my punishment is too much, I cannot die, I am an orphan, and the place where there are no cell phones, this is making me having more reason to die! ‘The kids then snap Eryln from her thoughts, “you are okay right” patted the lady,
‘“no, I don’t think so, I think I lost my memories, I don’t even know where am I?”, the lady panicked while the kids were crying asking Eryln to remember their name, “I just lost the memory it doesn’t mean I have gone insane, lady can you relax?” “you didn’t even speak like you used to, felt like you are a different person”’ is what Eryln thinking of saying but she didn’t want to make more problem.
“today is your last day isn’t it, coincidently today is your birthday, you will get your name, have you think about it?”
      “Eryln, I love that name, but why is today the last day I will be here?” Eryln need to act as a child as she is now an orphan and she didn’t fully know where she is.
      “there will be someone adopting you, you have forgotten it for the last three days aren’t you?” Eryln just scratch her head while smiling innocently “I don’t want to leave everyone so that’s why” the lady patted Eryln while the other hug Eryln.
  “now enough with the goodbye hug, you need to blow the candle of this little cupcake sent by your new parents, before you blow make sure to make wishes” the lady and the children were excited, while Eryln didn’t wish for anything, she learned to not to have any wishes so that she wouldn’t disappoint herself.
Pretending making a wish, she blows out the candle, they all clapped their hands, while the lady cutting the cake the, Eryln thought when somewhere else.
  ‘birthday, that is the day I killed myself, this person I possessed have the same birthday with me, she must have got her peaceful sleep, never I thought I have the courage that day, the courage to jump off building, I still remember the sky were nice, the wind breezes the sunlight, it was a nice day that I ruined for my family……”
  “Eryln…Eryln!” “yes?” “don’t you want to eat the cake, you still have plenty of time to play with them later” “I want to eat it, I want to play, I will do everything I want before I leave” the lady left Erlyn together with others, she ate the cake seeing the others were very happy while eating it, she realised, the cream was too sweet and too thick.
  “even the cake isn’t the same like what I used to make!” letting out a small sigh, she was about to go back to her room until the little boy around six that awoken here just now hug her from back.
  “big sis, are you sawd, you doen need to, waiwt foer me whewn I gow up, I will suely mewt big sis back!” (big sis, are you sad, you don’t need to, wait for me when I grow up, I will surely meet big sis back) the way the little boy was speaking same as the way when Eryln little sister tried to talk when she just four.
  Eryln get on one knee to get the same height as the boy, patting his head. “when you turned 12, I will wait to call your own name!” “what doe big sis wanwt to cal me?!” (what does big sis want to call me) “Gabriel sounds beautiful, because he is one of the angel I admire, but it’s up to you because it’s your name”
  The little boy just smiles innocently, it was beautiful and pure making Eryln felt ease, it wasn’t until Eryln new parents knock on the door, “lady Esmerelda are you there?” ‘so her name is Esmeralda I mean, my sister is 20 I also called her name, it’s a bit disrespectful though’ Eryln snap out her mind seeing lady Esmeralda glance at her.
  A man in forty was talking to the lady, “is that your new family big sis?” a boy around eleven years old was asking Eryln, “I guess so” Eryln scanned the man from up to down, “Eryln come here” lady Esmerelda asking for Eryln to greet her new family, “Eryln is her name?”
  “yes, it’s her name that she loved before, now Eryln this will be your new family” the man smile toward Eryln and Eryln just nodded. “little kid, let’s go home!” “home?” “yeah your new home” Eryln followed the man, when they walked a bit far away from the orphanage Eryln turn her head back to see the people at the orphanage send her off.
  ‘little grim reaper said I will encounter many death experiences, but then I’m just an ordinary girl, a kid that is 14 only, asking me to survive a world I didn’t know, I’m not the same as the character in the web toon I read, moreover, can’t I just die peacefully’ is what Eryln thinking she didn’t realize she was knocked out after that.

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