Prologue: [Boring Day At Kyoto Garden]

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Characters In The Chapter:
•Kaede Akamatsu (Alice)
•Sonia Akamatsu/Nevermind (Kaede's Sister)
•Claire (Her Cat)

Kyoto Garden, Holland Park, London

Third Person Point Of View:

The two sisters were at the Kyoto Garden In London. Kaede was the youngest while Sonia was the oldest. Kaede held her pet cat Claire in her arms while petting her. The oldest was guiding the other around the place before they got to a tree. "Now go do your own thing Kaede. I'm sure you can find something to do around here." Sonia said as she sat down at the base of the trunk of the tree. She opened a book in her hands as the wind blew gently at them. Kaede sulked as she sat down watching Claire play around with the butterflies and flowers in the garden. Now her sister, Sonia was wearing a plain yet fancy type of dress. It was a dark green dress made with cotton, white buttons that trailed up the top half of the dress, with a white bow at the collar to pull it all off. With her much paler blonde hair flowing in the breeze, a black bow stayed placed at the back of her head holding together 2 braids from each side. Kaede however didn't want to continue staring at her sister anymore. Staring at her longer was jut gonna make the girl jealous at Sonia's beauty. Looking at the tree she figured that she could climb to the branch that was at was seemly hovering over her sister's head. The climb wasn't hard at all since Kaede was determined to get up there. Sure there were a few scratches on her hands but those could get taken care of easily. Looking at herself, the blonde didn't seem much too interesting. Although she was nothing like her sister. Kaede had these black and white stockings, black shiny leather shoes (which were her best pair), a blue plain dress that also had white buttons half way up her dress, with a black bow as a headband on top of her head to pull it all off. To her, she seemed much more like a housemaid then someone who was part of the noble family. Laying on the branch which surprisingly held her weight, she looked over her sister seeing small tiny words of the book that Sonia was reading. But the words were too tiny for her to actually know what it was saying. Sighing in frustration, she closed her eyes as she dozed off dreaming. Claire was running around still playing with butterflies and flowers like always to pass time. 

Sorry if it's a bit short or it doesn't seem to fit the story. I wanted to make it like
old-ish times since the movie did take place in the 1950s. Most of this is going
by the movie so there's gonna be characters from the other games too just to
fit in some characters. Maybe some from fangans too for a character or two. Also
when I say movie I mean the 1951 (?) version aka the original one. 

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