Chapter 3: [Nightmare Twins]

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Characters In The Chapter: 
-Kaede Akamatsu (Alice) 
-Kanade Otonokoji (Tweedle Dum)
-Hibiki Otonokoji  (Tweedle Dee) 

Minor Characers: 
-Walrus (played by Kanade)
-Carpenter (played by Hibiki)

The story will mention betrayal in a form of a 
poem/story. It's not descripted or anything it's 
just a small mention since this is Alice and Wonderland
the 1951(?) version which is REALLY DARK. you have been warned

Third Person Point Of View:

Kaede opened the door and fell down. She was in a forest, which seemed to look quite big and huge. "Why this is really spacious and huge, don't you agree Tony?" She looked behind her and the door was no more. "Why it's rude to leave someone alone but you're a door so you're excused." The blonde then began to look around the place. The forest had a beautiful purple and green mix to it. The leaves of the trees were mixes of purple shades all mixed together. Thistle, Plum, Orchid, Fuchsia, Mauve, Pearly Purple, and Fairy Tale were all the shades of purple that she could remember that seemed to be the shades of purple in the trees. 

There were mushrooms of different color that seems to reach the size of 6-9ft tall. The flowers seemed to also be that tall too. It was a wonder on how it was kept hidden for so long until she fell down the rabbit hole. Then Kaede heard strange music coming from with-in the forest. Looking through the trees and getting closer to the sound, she could see clearer. There were 2 girls that looked rather identical. Meaning the only way to tell them apart were their hair pins and their well uh breasts. Kaede looked closer and then fell down. "Gosh is with all this falling?" she muttered looking back up again. The two have seemed to stop singing and dancing to the music looking at her. "Oh dear, I haven't ruined your fun have I? If I did then I'm really sorry about that."

The two looked at each other then looked back at Kaede. "Whats your name?" Said one of them. "Kaede! What are your names?" The one with a more sharper wit and mouth replied, "I'm Hibiki and that Kanade my sister." Hibiki pointed at Kanade who seemed more caring then the other yet quiet. "Why this does remind me of a story. You know the one Hibiki. The one with the walrus and the carpenter." "I do remember that one! Would you care to listen Alice?" Kaede looked at them and sighed, "I suppose I do have the time but my name is Kaede not Alice." Hibiki smiled and laughed, "You look like an Alice though. Blue dress, blonde hair, the shoes. Everything about you screams Alice!" "Alright alright, now go say your story please. I don't have much time to waste." Kanade nodded very much pleased. "It'll be quick and you'll even want to hear another one!"

[The Walrus and Carpenter]
beginning story
story loaded
🜲|| You see the Walrus and the Carpenter are walking along the beach until the Carpenter saw a group of oysters. Now the Carpenter was a young looking man that had blonde hair, with the clothing of a farmer. However Walrus was bulk, with a long grey mustache and a black top hat. Unlike The Carpenter, he had the clothing of a business mam. The Carpenter whistled to the Walrus that he had found the oysters in the water, and tried to catch the oysters, but the Walrus pulled him back and does it his way. The Walrus tricked them into coming with them on a walk, the oysters being unaware that the duo was planning to eat them. The Walrus used his clever lies to arouse the oysters' curiosity, but the mother oyster, who was fully aware of the Walrus's intentions, gave her children advice to stay in the ocean, only for the Walrus to shut her up, and, with a merry Pied Piper-like dance and flute solo, lured them to a restaurant built by the Carpenter in less than a few seconds. Once there, the Walrus tricked the Carpenter into preparing some bread and a sauce so he can eat all the oysters himself. When the Carpenter returned, he called the little oysters and, when they did not respond, he looked for them and, behind the menu, he saw the empty oyster shells and realized that the Walrus didn't leave any for him. He chased after the Walrus for leaving him out for the feast while cursing him out.
[end of story]

Third Person POV: 
Kaede clapped then got up to brush off her dress. "Now if you may, I should be going now." "You can't leave! There was a moral to the story you know." "Of course a moral to never be an oyster." Kaede said before walking pass them. Hibiki then said, "But come on Alice! Can you just stay for one more story? It's called the Father's Goodwill." "But it's Father's death not goodwill."

The two twins then started bickering about the name of the story. She took this chance to sneak passed them u til Kaede finally stopped and looked around. She was now on a trail with those purple trees again but there were normal sized flowers. The blonde smiled and walked over to the flowers and started picking them. Carefully she starts to weave them together making a flower crown.

"And what is a beautiful lady like you doing here?"

Hi guys!! Yes this chapter is over due but now I like it. Before this I was having trouble with the Walrus and Carpenter story so sorry about that. Thank you for reading!!
I've also been busy with irl things so I'm not gonna be online alot. But I wanted to finish this chapter so here it is. 

In Der Palästra (Oumatsu)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora