Chapter 1

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"Just trust me!!!"

"Funny, since I started trusting you nothing good has ever happened."

"Doubt me and you risk everything" I say as I tilt my head.

"Do whatever you need to as long as you don't use witchcraft, I'll be waiting outside, call me once you have finalized the plan." Saying so Hiro walks out of the room.

I waited for five minutes and said," Quick! Get me salt, five scented candles, the blood vial, knife and the best alcohol from Hiro's stash"

"I don't see alcohol written in the ingredients" My twin, Aiden asks.

"That's because it isn't written in the ingredients. I want alcohol so I can feel better about using witchcraft for my personal gains."

He gets me whatever I ask for, and as we sit down about to start the incantation Hiro walks in.

" I believe that was exactly what I asked you not to do."

"Did you really think I'd listen?" I asked incredulously, looking up at him.

Hiro leaves a huff of frustration but sits down anyway.

As I finish chanting the incantation, everything becomes quiet in that small room, a little too quiet for my liking.

Hiro looked like he was about to ask me something when a voice said " Your sacrifice has been accepted, you may ask- wait a damn minute, you are still alive?!" Smoke appears out of thin air and starts taking a shape, an animal, no wait a man, no an angel.

" Don't sound so horrified. I might think you don't like me!" I say feigning disgust.

"Ever heard of fear, mortal?" " Now that I come to think of it, I didn't catch your name the last time you were here." I say ignoring him. " That must be because I didn't throw it." " Ooh sassy, your name please?"


" Cool, now to get on with it, I want-"

"Hold it, I'm not going to give you anything!"

" Why?!"

" I do not want a repeat of last time."


"You don't get to teach me the rules mortal" Saying so he vanishes into thin air, probably back to that cursed place he came from.

"And where are you going?" Aiden asks me, " To hell probably." I leave the room, trying to remember why I summoned that glowing freak with a halo on top in the first place. Oh yes! My stupid brother decided to date this guy who no one knew about, then he turned out to be the Holy Satan himself looking for souls to steal. Great!

" Did you figure something out yet?" Aiden asks." Do I look like the solution box to you? Try using that thing inside your head will you?" This is infuriating. " Well there is something that we can do." Hiro says, looking at me meaningfully." Please don't tell me you are talking about what I think you are talking about?" Aiden looks between Hiro and me, "What am I missing out on? Oh wait I got it!!! We are gonna summon Satan!!! Yes!!! Why didn't I think of it before? That is a brilliant plan!" Hiro and I looked at each other, the same question in mind, "How are we related?"

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