vi. the lunch table mess

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"Why so serious?"

Chaeryeong jumps a little on her seat, startled by Lia's voice. She fiddles with her mechanical pencil and exhales.

"You've been spaced out for a while."

"Sorry," she murmurs, facing her friend. "I was just thinking."

"You're obsessing over her again, aren't you?" Lia sighs, placing a hand on her leg, close to the knee. Chaeryeong drops her pencil to find Lia's hand and lace their fingers together. She accepted long ago that Lia keeps her grounded and keeps her in check. "Chaeryeong, you gotta stop that."

They're in homeroom for the first period of the day and there's a low buzz of sound around them since Ms. Diaz doesn't care what they do in that time as long as they don't walk around the classroom.

"She's been staring at me since we got to homeroom, Lia," Chaeryeong explains, biting her lip.

"And how would you know that if you weren't staring back at her?" Lia says, lips pursed and one eyebrow raised.

"She's sitting in my line of sight," Chaeryeong huffs, elbowing Lia to get that smug expression out of her face. "I mean it, Lia. I think she's planning something and it's freaking me out."

As if knowing they're talking about her, Ryujin chooses that moment to chance a glance at them. She does a quick salute when she notices they're both already looking her way, a grin forming on her lips.

"Did you see that?!" Chaeryeong whisper-shouts. "She doesn't just smile when she looks at me! She usually scowls or tries to kill me with her eyes!"

"I think the lady doth pay too much attention to the new girl," Lia jokes. Chaeryeong glares at her. "Honestly, who cares if she has something planned?"

"I do," Chaeryeong grunts, letting go of Lia's hand and crossing her arms in annoyance.

"Chaeryeong, you're the smartest person I know," Lia says, patting her leg. "Whatever Ryujin comes up with, you'll just come up with something even better. I don't get why you're so worried."

"I don't either." Chaeryeong rests her head against Lia's shoulder, deciding she's done with her tantrum. Physical proximity always helps when she's feeling anxious and Lia knows that. "She just gets under my skin."

"Don't you have that interview with Yoon Keeho today?"

"Yeah, after lunch." Chaeryeong hides her face in Lia's shoulder. "I don't like him. I thought I could go without an interview like last year."

"No offense but last year no one ran against you," Lia teases, kissing the top of Chaeryeong's head. "You'll be fine, baby. I have faith in you."

"Pray for me?"

"Bitch please, as if you needed divine intervention," Lia taunts, making Chaeryeong laugh. "But I'll make sure to squeeze a prayer in for you when my family tries that new church next Sunday."

"I need it today, Lia, you suck," Chaeryeong whines, cuddling closer to her. "I'll take the Sunday prayer anyway, though."

Ryujin looks at them again as Chaeryeong is shifting to face forward and their gazes meet. Chaeryeong wets her lips out of nervousness but she notices that Ryujin's eyes lower to follow the motion.

It fills her with a... weirdly satisfying sensation that boosts her confidence, and when Ryujin's eyes lift back up, Chaeryeong smiles at her with a wink.

Ryujin rolls her eyes and turns towards the front of the classroom.

Chaeryeong just smirks.

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