xi. at the club

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Ryujin thinks it's one of the best days she's had in a while when she's still riding on the high from victory by the time they're sitting in the restaurant.

"...So he tells me that I'm too masculine and I tell him that he's suffering from fragile male ego syndrome, and does he know that he's basically acting like a 14 year old girl?" Coach Kelly says and sends the gaggle of girls into a laughing fit as she concludes another story of yet another one of her dates that's gone awry.

"Boys are fucking dumb," Yuna scoffs and steals a french fry from Ryujin's plate. Even though she's got plenty of her own, she's claiming that Ryujin's taste better. "They're only good for one thing, if you know what I mean." She waggles her brows suggestively and the girls giggle in response.

"Let's be honest, they aren't that good at that one thing either," Ryujin says and rolls her eyes. Yuna snorts and looks at Ryujin with a glint in her eye that Ryujin isn't sure she likes.

"Yeah?" She leans in close. "I've always wondered if you'd ever done 'that one thing' with boys before. How many notches in your belt, Ryujin?"

Ryujin nearly chokes on her drink.  She sits back in her chair, putting distance between herself and Yuna.

"That's... rather personal," she mutters, shifting uncomfortably as she avoids Yuna's penetrating gaze.

Yuna doesn't say anything, just stares at her for a few seconds more before she brushes the sudden tense air off with a laugh.

"I can tell you that I haven't gotten a good length of dick for a while," Yuna says with a dirty grin. "So you gonna be my wingman tonight, Ryujin, yeah?"

Ryujin blinks confused. "Your wingman? Where are we going?"

Yuna beams at her. "I haven't told you? We're going clubbing!"

Ryujin tucks a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. "I can't. I have five pages of Algebra waiting for me at home." She sighs, already feeling tired at the mere thought, but it's important since it's going to count towards her final grade.

Yuna frowns at her. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice. We won our first game! It's tradition! Right, girls?" The girls murmur choruses of agreements. Yuna turns to look expectantly at her.

Ryujin sighs again. "Yuna, seriously, I can't-"

"Yes, you can!" Yuna interrupts her. "You're the most smarty pants nerd I know besides Chaeryeong. I know you can do your nerdy AP homework tomorrow."

Ryujin opens her mouth to protest but Yuna reaches across the space between them and grasps Ryujin's hands in her own, fixing her with a rather impressive puppy face. "Come on. I want you there."

The thing is, Yuna might be right that Ryujin can do her Algebra assignment tomorrow, but the real reason she's reluctant to go, is because she's afraid the night will end with unflattering pictures of her embarrassingly drunk all over twitter - she swore to herself she'd never drink again after what happened the last time she did.

"We can't even get into a club and drink," Ryujin points out, but she knows it's a feeble excuse. She's found a way in too many times before and she knows Yuna has a solution.

Yuna confirms that when she gives Ryujin a grin and says, "My uncle owns this nightclub. So, no problem there. He'll clear out a VIP area for us if I ask him to."

Ryujin feels herself giving in. She actually likes hanging out with Yuna and the other girls, and she's always been down for a night out to celebrate.

She sighs deeply in defeat. "It's just gonna be us girls, right?" She feels somewhat safer partying with the soccer girls than she does certain people from school. They're more down to earth and not as gossip hungry.

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