Shopping Blues

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A pair of brown eyes cracked open irritated by the morning sun.

A ray of sunlight poked through the curtains blinding her until a brown colored hand blocked its path. Even shining on her skin it felt warm and good, all positive attributes that motivated Ina to stay in bed.

She hated mornings aboard the Thousand Sunny. Sanji would already be up creating a breakfast spread fit for royalty or in his case a rowdy pirate crew.

Nami would have begrudgingly arose to check the ship's coordinates before joining Robin- who always rose with the sun, on the top deck.

The two girls would water their flower and tangerine gardens respectfully and share gossip and fashion advice while patiently waiting for the morning meal.

By now Luffy's boisterous laughter would be echoing off the mast as he goofed around creating some made up game with Usopp as they prepared to go fishing. The aquarium was running low on fresh fish before they docked on Sabaody.

It gave Usopp the perfect opportunity to try out his new fishing gadget he crafted.

Nine times out of ten they would bother Zoro who was also an early riser if he didn't complete a lookout shift in the crows nest hours prior. The dubbed moss head would occupy the gym aboard the ship until breakfast, lifting impossible measurements of weights with ease.

Franky and Brook were most likely below deck refilling the cola tanks and/or running diagnostics on the Sunny before the food was ready.

Franky would return afterwards to continue repairs, ensuring the ship remained in its pristine condition and he worked diligently to the living skeleton's live performances.

The musical notes echoed throughout the entire ship lifting the crew's spirit no matter the day's mood.

That left Chopper in his office making a log of herbs that were low in stock and preparing more rumble balls before and after eating Sanji's delicious cooking. Everyone respected each other's morning routine and never butted heads.

It was so fluid Ina hated she was never awake to witness it.

She would later join the Straw Hats long after breakfast but a little before lunch with a bright smile that rivaled the sun.

Sanji would slide a brunch plate her way and Ina would thank him before eating and traveling the Sunny bow to stern to mingle with the rest of the crew. They looked forward to Ina's midday check ins with glee.

Perhaps her untapped Haki was at play amplifying their mood. Thinking back, it probably was. Who could be so joyous that early in the day?

Each member always received a warm hello from the half asleep girl dressed in her brother's clothes. It provided her comfort and it was also a tangible memento from when Ace traveled with them long ago.

Ina only wore his baggy clothes when she felt nostalgic not wanting the precious items to become threadbare.

She knew Luffy secretly used Ace's coat from Alabasta as a security blanket on rough nights so she had to preserve the wear at all cost.

In Ina's defense the morning felt so real she was almost fooled into believing she was aboard the Sunny.

But she didn't wake up in her port-side room and she didn't hear Luffy or Usopp's loud guffaws.

It was too quiet and reality hit her like a ton of bricks.

It was a fool's dream to believe she was surrounded by friends. They were separated and with a heavy heart Ina curled up into a ball and cried.

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