part II: Sirius Black

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Yes, another chapter talking about my older brother. It may surprise you but I have fourteen memories of Sirius before he ran away from home and then some random memories here and there when I crossed paths with him at Hogwarts

The sorting,

Sirius being sorted into Gryffindor was no surprise to me. When he went off to Hogwarts I was about nine years old at the time. Last few years Sirius and I had drifted apart. Sirius was right in what he said about me "my idiot brother, soft enough to believe them... that's him." I was listening to our parents more and more, about their pureblood beliefs and all that. I saw what they did to Sirius and maybe a part of me didn't want that to happen to me but maybe a part of me actually started to believe in what our parents were saying.

I would like to believe that I started to listen because of the first reason but after a while, I really was buying what they were selling. After a while, I did really see through the lies but by then it was too late.

Our parents were furious when Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor, I remember the night they found out. They both were sending howlers to like it child's play. I can't remember how many they sent but I do remember hearing all the yelling from my bedroom. Kreacher, our house elf had come up to bring me dinner because I didn't want to leave my room.

Kreacher was one of my favorite house-elves that were around the house when I grew up. Hopefully, he will be able to destroy the Horcrux.

Another memory that flashed through my head was when I first arrived at Hogwarts. Sirius was thirteen during my first year at Hogwarts, and a few different Hogwarts memories.

My Hogwarts years,

I got sorted into Slytherin of course. During the start of term feast, Sirius had waved me over to him to introduce me to his friends.

I walked over to his group of friends. I had felt awkward being over at the Gryffindor table but still went over.

Sirius had a big smile on his face and said "Guys this is my younger brother Reggie, Reggie this is James, Peter, and Remus"

James and Remus had waved a bit and Peter squeaked a bit and then waved.

I had responded to them plainly "nice to meet you." Slytherin and Griffyndors were enemy houses and everything I heard my parents say about them. Well, I didn't think these people were good to associate with, but I was also taught to have good manners. "I should be going back to my table" and I walked back to the Slytherin table.

Though I did hear James say"Is he like your parents?" To Sirius.

I heard Sirius respond "a bit, but-"

James interrupted him and said "Your parents are pureblood fanatics, even a bit is enough"

and that was all I could hear from the conversation when I sat back at my own table.

During the next few years, Sirius had tried to get me to join his little group of his but failed. We slowly stopped talking to each other. We didn't talk again until I was sixteen and this was when he had found out about the dark mark.

I was just walking down the hallway when Sirius had grabbed my arm and pulled me down an empty hallway. This was the first time we had talked in years.

"Hey," I said to Sirius in a low and very annoyed tone. "What do you want"

Sirius tried to pull up my sleeve and was frantic, he said "Tell me it's not true Reg"

I pulled away from him and looked at him responding "I don't know what you mean" I looked at his expression and I can tell it was disheartened.

Sirius grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve, he did it quickly I couldn't react to it. He gasped a bit and looked at my dark mark. "You're a death eater"

I didn't respond, I didn't really know how to respond. It's not like I could deny this. It was a simple fact, I was a death eater. "way to point out the obvious Sirius."

"You can't be serious Reg" Sirius responded "You are just a kid"

"sod off Sirius" I grumbled not wanting to be lectured.

"Reggie-" Sirius had started to say before I interrupted him

"Sirius just shut up, don't pretend to care. We haven't talked in years. I don't associate with your blood traitor friends or that mudblood friend of-" Before I could even finish I felt his fist hit my jaw and I winced and said, "what the hell!"

Sirius didn't even say anything else after he punched me, he just shook his head and walked away.

That was the last day Sirius and I talked. We both actively tried to avoid each other. When you are dying you have some time to reflect on your life. That's what everyone's afraid of right? That they will have a list of regrets. My list is just getting started.

falling asleep ➫; regulus blackWhere stories live. Discover now