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Why are you even interested of me in the first place?

I asked not knowing whats his answer is going to be. Is it something I even want to know. His a villain he might just say something that is completely lie.
Why isn't he saying anything?  This silence can't be any good.

3rd person POV.
Seconds felt like minutes. Minutes like a hour. I don't think they were there hours so can't make any: hour like days.

Two boys were staring each other's without saying anything. Just staring to each other eyes waiting to see who does something first. None of them did they were just staring each others eyes. Getting lost in them more and less.
Till the first movement was made by dabi. It was a kiss on a cheek. Why cheek so he can see that will shoto start wanting more on his lips. His experience didn't show anything, but that's becost endeavour had teach him not to react to anything. Shoto knew how to keep straight face even tho his mind was going crazy with so many thoughts.

Dabi: really no reaction....  Maybe I need to try little harder.  Is that it

Shoto: no matter what you do I won't break to anyways.

Dabi gave shoto that: oh really look.  Before kissing him again.

This time dabi kissed him to his lips to get reaction,  but he didn't stop until he would get that satisfaction he disasters. He wants to get everything out of him. Broke that shoto todoroki he knows and pre place him with someone who wants him as bad that he wants him.

Shoto was trying to get dabi away,  but was unsecfull.  Dabi knew how to get inside shoto's mouth and shoto didn't know how to stop him.  If he refused dabi would bite his lip so he would open it again.  Dabi was exploring shoto's mouth while he would start putting his hands on shoto's tight. Sometimes squashing it little bit.

Dabi had wanted this for sometime.  Days and night's waiting for chance to get him here. Do what ever he wants to him. Maybe later show the word how he has crushed this so called masterpiece. Watch how everything will go like he wants it to happen.

He evwn has plan to make shoto wear one of those slutty maid outfits in future. This will be dabi's victory if shoto loses his hope to run away.


Shoto is not done yet he still has his hopes up to run away,  but will it be what he trually wants?

Idk just trying to write random stuff.  I'm tired haven't slept and have to stay up so: spelling mistakes?

Yeah and a lot maybe

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