someone at dorms

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Shoto's pov

It's been many week since dabi was in our school. We haven't heard about him, no one has. And what comes to that follow your heart idk.  I don't actually feel any romantic for him.

Deku: hey todoroki kun wanna walk together to dorms?

Todoroki: sure midoryia.

Walking to dorms went quickly they just talked about school and heroes. When todoroki got to his dorm he saw that his window was open but todoroki never have open window in his room. That means someone is or was in his room.  Todoroki checked his room for if there was somebody or if something where stolen. Nope everything was like always nothing was missing and no one was there.  Todoroki decided not tell anyone it wasn't that big deal for him. Everything went great for rest of the night.

Next morning

Todoroki woke up and saw there was breakfast on the table. But his door's were locked and so was window now. Who was in todoroki's dorm and how did they get there?  Todoroki decided that this time he will tell aizawa that somebody was in his dorm.

Later when school started.

Aizawa: good morning every one.
He said tiredly.

Todoroki in his mind: I will talk to him after this class.

Todoroki snapped out of his tough when sero walked to him and they started to whisper.

Sero: hey man what did you do last night near 3 am

Todoroki: I was sleeping?

Sero: them why did I heard some weird noise from your dorm

Todoroki: idk but last night mi window was open and I have never open it and when I woke up there was-

Aizawa: I think you two can wait to after glass!

Sero: mister aizawa me and todoroki belive someone has broke into UA.

Aizawa: let's talk about that after glass.

Glass went really quick and after that todoroki and sero told aizawa everything that they know. Aizawa sent couple teacher look through 1 A dorms,  but they didn't find anything.  So they let students go back to dorms.

Next night

Todoroki was sleeping peacefully till he heard a sound

Knock knock knock

One of the scaryesr knock he have ever heard , becost the knock come from his windows.  Todoroki got up and at the window he saw a black figure.  Todoroki was kinda scared of the figure.  Then little light came and todoroki could see that it was dabi.

Hi I will ask what do you want for next chapter do you want me try something little romantic or keep it this way or what would you like

villan in class!?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin