where is he

886 26 10

Sero's POV

Dabi was holding todoroki. He was talking something most of the time, but we didn't hear him at least I didn't. Then he said something again and he and todoroki were just gone!  Of course we all ran to aizawa and other class mates to tell them. After we told what happend aizawa quickly went to teachers lound and was there reallyyyyyyy long time.

Meanwhile todoroki's pov

Even tho I can't see anything I know that this is not dorms I guess that is lov's hide out?  I don't know how long I been here at least maybe 6 minutes. 6 minutes just black and silent. I wonder where dabi is? I don't hear him anywhere. It's just silent.

All the memories of my childhood are coming back. All the feeling of fear is back even tho is can't see is can still feel how I'm shaking is knew if is would open my mouth there would come little shaky sound.

I hear foot steps coming closer. I'M PANICKING I don't know who is it and what are they going to do. I'm scared

"Hey darling"

Who is it none of instincts are working I'm not thinking straight.

"What's wrong darling do you need light to see me:("

Blue flames are right in front of my face. I could also see that is dabi WAIT did he say darling?

"Di did you call me darling? "

Nooo I stuttered>:(

Dabi: awww cute stutters shoto

"Don't use my first name"

Dabi: why not darling>:)

I'm not quit sure how to continue this story so I want to ask do you have have any whis for this story

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