Part One

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The portal opens in a small office. You take a look around the room [It's not here! Dammit, it has to be here somewhere. That's what they told me, unless they've moved it to another building. Seems like it's going to be harder to find than I thought]. Deciding to leave the room to widen your search, you open the door just a crack, taking a look into the hallway. No one is around, the corridor's clear. You watch closely that no one notices you sneaking around in the building. You're being extra careful not to draw any attention to yourself. With incredible precision you sneak through the building. Barely visible on the security cameras, you roam through the labyrinth of corridors.
After a while you leave the office complex and head towards the laboratories. This part of the building is similar to the offices, but much more sterile with a more futuristic design. You go through one of the side corridors, so you don't meet anyone who works here. The walls to your left and right have thick glass windows which give you a chance to take a look into the individual departments and labs. As you pass them, searching with your eyes through each one, something suddenly catches your eye and you immedietly stop.

You: "I found it!" leaning against the glass with your hands "But how can I get inside?"

You go to the door of the laboratory. As you take a closer look at the lock and the locking mechanism of the door, you let out an annoyed sigh: It's an ID scanner secured with a fingerprint scan. [Well, that'll take me more time than I have, guess I'll stay longer than expected... or maybe I don't need to] You go back to the window.
You have a special gift. You can create portals, which only works if you have been to the place you want to go to, if you have an exact plan of the place or if you can see the place. In this case, you can look through the window into the laboratory and are therefore able to open a portal in there. You look around to make sure no one is around. As soon as the area is clear, you start to open a portal of purple smoke in front of you. With one step forward, you step through the mist. Meanwhile, the second portal has formed in the closed off laboratory. But just as you step out, the sirens suddenly go off and the lights in the room turn red.

You: roll your eyes "Great, I woke the dogs! Now better hurry before they come and get me!"

Quickly you sprint to a huge display case on one of the walls; and there it is, right in front of you behind the glas: A beautiful silver necklace with a teardrop-shaped amethyst attached to it!
You rattle the doors, but the showcase is locked. There is no time to crack it open or to open another portal. Next to you on a table is a microscope, you grab it and throw with all your might against the glass. The door shatters into thousands of small pieces and you can take the necklace.

You: smile "Finally, I got you back"

So overwhelmed with joy, you could start to cry, but the moment is interrupted by a loud bang. The laboratory door flies open and eight men in black uniforms storm into the laboratory armed with machine guns. You stand rooted to the spot, although you hold your hands up in surrender, your grip is tight around the necklace, not letting go of it.

Leader: "Don't move suspect, or we will shoot!"

You: laugh a bit and wisper "How cute"

Leader: "Drop the confiscated item and cooperate!"

The men's faces are expressionless, especially the leader, who doesn't move a muscle while he has his gun pointed at you. You have to laugh a little because of their expressions, but your face quickly changes from a smile into an ice-cold mask too.

You: "I can't do that. I am taking back what's mine!"

As soon as you end your sentence, a portal quickly opened behind you. You simply let yourself fall backwards, right through it. The men try to stop you, some run towards the mist and the leader even fires his gun, but no luck, the portal closes right before they can reach it.

Your body hits the ground. The portal lead to an open field in the middle of a dense forrest. Still on the ground in the grass, you cry out in joy and throw your arms in the air. Your overwhelming happiness is marred shortly afterwards by a sharp pain.

You: "Those fucking bastards really shot me"

You carefully run your hand over your stomach, trying to locate the wound. It's quite deep, but fortunately only a grazing shot at your waist. Slowly you stand up and brush the grass and dirt off your clothes; then you look at the necklace in your hand.

You: "It was all worth it now that I have you back"

The tears run down your cheeks as you disappear into the deep forest.

Taking Back What's Mine II Bucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now