Part Three

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POV: You go through the woods and in the near distance you see a small cabin. (Just an imagine of how the outside of the cabin could look like)

You: "Finally home"

(It's a small cabin, with its own generator and a well behind the house. One big room with a few pieces of furniture inside and a little bathroom with a tub.)

Making your way up the stairs of the porch. As you open the door, you take a deep breath and can feel the tension slowly moving away from you. The first thing you do as you step inside, is taking your clothes off. [I need to treat the wound, before I get an infection again.] Off a shelf on the wall you take a big metal first aid box and put it on your dining table. You open it [Dammit, it's almost empty. There were just too many wounds the last few times.]
This isn't your first gunshot wound. First of you pour pure alcohol on the wound, inhaling sharply as the liquid comes in contact with the flesh. You're cleaning the wound with tissues, then you take a sterile needle and start to sewing the wound. The stitches hurt a lot but you can't stop, the wound needs to be sealed. To finish the treatment, you put some healing balm and a compression bandage on the wound. You go over to a large wardrobe next to the entrance and pull out a long gown. Gently and slowly letting the dress slip over your head and sliding down your back.

You: take the necklace of the table and look at it closely "They won't find us here. Finally together, safe and more importantly alive" smile

As you put the necklace on, memories of your past start to come to your mind: The necklace hanging around the neck of the only person, you've ever truly loved.. your mother. Her sparkling eyes when she smiled at you. The times she showed you how to open a portal and teach you about your powers. But you will never forget the look on her face, when she was killed and left bleeding to death.

You: clench your fists "I will never forget what happend that day" tears start falling down your cheeks, heavily crying "I miss you so much. Mom, I am so sorry, I couldn't save you!"

Y/N's Backstory:

Born and raised in a small village, somewhere in East Europe. You tried your best to live a good life with your family. But a big part of the surrounding land and the villages on it were ruled by a cruel and merciless lord. It was hard to live happily and free under his control. Everyone was too scared to fight him and even if someone stood up to him, it would have consequences. People disappeared or were brought to his castle, no one knew what exactly happend to them, just that it was their end either way.

One day when you were about 18 years old, you and your mother were outside of your home doing the laundry. When suddently a whole group of the lord's strongest men came, they put you in chains and brought you to the castle. All of this happend, just because your father was in big dept to the lord and couldn't pay him back. Already had sold all the things that were worth something, but it couldn't even cover the rent for the house and the field your family used for farming.

The last thing he could offer to the lord was the power of your mother and you as a gift, so the lord would let him go. His life in freedom was obviously more important to him than his own family. The lord let him go and took you two as his payment. You knew he was a coward and weak, but you never expected him to betray you like this.

Your mother became the lord's new favorite toy. He used her powers to enlarge his collection of magical artifacts, weapons and general treasures like gold and gems by creating portals for him. She was always by his side, beeing in chains and unable to escape.

You've tried to free your mother many times, but everytime you were out of your prison cell or got rid of your chains, they've stopped you from getting to her to escape together. The lord showed you no mercy as his men tortured you for your misbehavior. They used many things to punish you with for example knives or whips. There were even a few times when they shot you to stop you from running away. These years of trying to escape left their marks on your body.

A few months ago, Shield received the information that the lord is growing in power and is in possession of some dangerous weapons which could destroy entire cities. A special force of strong and unscrupelous men was send to take him down and confiscate his collection.

This evening, you finally got free again after months. It was your final try to save your mother, you opened a portal to a upstore in the large throne room of the castle, where he kept her. As you look down you see Shield agents storming in and shooting at everyone in their way. The lord grabed your mother and used her as a protection, but the agents didn't care that she's in front of him. They're shooting! The lord is dead right away but your mother is still alive. With several gunshot wounds, she lies bleeding on the floor, too much blood for her to survive. And you couldn't have fought them, even if you wanted to. You were in shock and overwhelmed by all the emotions going through your mind after seeing her die.

The Shield agents continue to search the castle, confiscating everything of worth on their way. One of the men noticed the necklace of your mother and ripped it of her neck, thinking it's a magical ornament. After they have taken your mother away from you, you will not let them have the only thing you have left of her!

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