Part Thirty One

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Steve and you talk some more; you apoligize for pointing the knife at him, and him making jokes about how it wouldn't have been the first time someone did. After a while you two decide its time to go back. On your way back you get lost in your thoughts [Steve is really a nice man. He complimented me a lot and I can laugh with him. Steve is attractive, friendly and generally someone who takes good care of others. But it's different with him, there's nothing special between us like there was with James. Something about James makes me feel all weird, in a good way. I feel safe with him. But I should quickly forget that again, I will not stay and probably not see him again, so quickly as that could develop from this spark into something more... close].

Steve accompanies you back to your room, a few meters before your room at a corner, Steve stops and stands infront of you.

Steve: "I hope we can start over now that we have talked about some things"

You: smile "A fresh start sounds good"

You look past Steve and notice that Bucky is coming outside his room. He looks in your direction. Steve doesn't seem to notice his friend, he leans forward and you back away a little as he surpised you.

Steve: smiles at you "Maybe we can even become friends, what do you say?"

Your cheeks turn a little red as you get flustered because of how close he is.

You: nervously laugh "Sure, that would be nice"

Steve: smiles "Good, I'm glad we're not enemies anymore but mabye friends" he straightens up "I have something to do, but I'll see you later for sure. Bye Y/N"

You: watch him leave "See you"

As soon as Steve has gone around the next corner, you head for your room. Bucky is now leaning against his door with his arms crossed. [I wonder if he heard the conversation between me and steve. I hope he's not reading into it, because there's nothing between us... Why am I justifying myself? James and I aren't a couple or anything, I don't have to tell him anything] Standing by your door, you look at Bucky and then shake your head to get rid of the thoughts.

Bucky: tense "Where were you?"

You: "Steve and I were on a walk. Why do you ask?"

Bucky: "I was looking for you"

You: confused "Why were you looking for me?"

Bucky: "We're supposed to meet up with the others in the meeting room now"

You: "Okay, so let's go then"

A nervous smile from you and a shoulder shrug from him, then you both walk down the hall. Your gaze is lowered, you look at your hands [What will they do with me after what had happened yesterday? Will they hand me over to Shield? Whatever it is, I will not give up to be free]. Out of the corner of his eye, Bucky watches you. Neither of you say a word, silently you walk through the halls until you are at the door to the meeting room. Bucky knocks and opens the door on a short 'come in'. Inside are the others already waiting, all sitting around the table.

Tony: points to a chair at the head of the table "Please sit down YN"

You sit down, while Bucky goes to the side and leans against the wall. Just then Steve comes rushing in and hands an envelope to Bruce.

Tony: looks around the room "Shall we begin?"

Everyone nods.

Tony: folds his hands on the table "Y/N, we sat down together as a team and re-consulted after yesterday's incident and your revelation of your past to us"

You look down, it's unpleasant to be reminded that they all knew now. You can literally feel their eyes on you; the pity, the worries and the sadness. [Now is the right time to tell them my decision] You take a deep breath and then look up.

You:  very serious "I have also made a decision. I can not stay here. I will leave"

Your gaze is firmly focused on Tony so you don't let your eyes wander and accidentally see Bruce's reaction [I can't look at him now, it will only hurt me to see his reaction].

Tony: "That's very interesting that you've made this decision, because we also think it will be best if you leave and we don't keep you here"

You: look at him in disbelief  "What?"

Bruce: steps in "We're letting you go, YN"

It's hard to believe, they want to release you [I will be able to go]. But something about this decision makes you doubt its truth, you can't get a certain thought out of your head [It's too good to be true. There's something fishy about the whole thing].

You: narrow your eyes and look skeptically at Tony "What's the catch, Stark?"

You lean back with your arms crossed and watch Bruce rub his forehead and avert his gaze. [I'm right, it's too good to be true. There is a catch to it, but what is it?]

Tony: "We'll only let you go on one condition"

You: tilt your head "Which would be?"

Tony: "Someone will accompany you and go with you to your home"

[What? Someone is supposed to accompany me, more like guard me... you've got to be kidding] You have to start laughing because you're shocked at the condition and it seems so untrue.

Tony: deadly serious, doesn't loose his cool "I'm serious, you won't leave this base alone. That's why Barnes will accompany you"

Bucky and you at the same time: "What?!"

Taking Back What's Mine II Bucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now