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"Let's start a revolution" Revolution Elias

Wilhelm is gone Simon is all alone, Wilhelm will never come back. It's over, it's all over, now Wilhelm will be the perfect crown prince and Simon a heartbroken teenager. Two teenagers separated by a bloody inheritance. Erik's accident changed everything, without it Wilhelm's life would have been easier, because now he's the future king, and he has to have children. Before he was just a prince with nothing more, with a contingency somewhere in his head. Simon is in love with Wilhelm, not the prince but the teenager behind the face, Wilhelm loves a boy. But they can't be together, they can never be together...

Oh hell, I'll change that ending. Let's go back to when Wilhelm is in the car. Let's imagine that he has just asked the driver to turn around. The car gets closer to Hillerska, then in the distance he sees Simon, his heart speeds up, the memories come back, now he is sure, he has fallen in love, and his love is stronger than anything else. The car stops, Wilhelm stands still for at least two minutes. Finally he makes up his mind, gets out of the car and starts running as if his life depended on it. The students turn around and whisper words that Wilhelm doesn't hear, but he doesn't care. Then he turns around, first he raises his eyebrows, then he tries to speak, but before he can, Wilhelm's lips are on his, a feeling of happiness runs through his body, the students film the scene, but for them it's no big deal after what they've experienced. The kiss is passionate and full of love (it stinks of love, but damn it, I would have liked to see that scene), but also of tears, joy, sadness and fear. Wilhelm has all three, he is happy because the boy he loves is in front of him, sad because he feels bad for having let him down, and afraid because he doesn't know how his parents will react. Simon has joy and sadness, joy because Wilhelm has come back and kissed him in public and sadness because Wilhelm has just got himself into a lot of trouble for him. Just a scholarship boy at an elite school. But the two of them are madly in love and that's never going to change.

This is the ending they deserved, the one where they're happy, and especially the one where they're both together. Now we can roll the credits.

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