with ifs we could remake the world

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Hi, I've decided to turn my alternate ending into a fan fiction I hope you like it. I don't put time between each chapter, there will be one when the inspiration comes. Good reading to all. And let's start a revolution!

Two hours ago, Wilhelm was kissing Simon in front of parents, students and his bodyguards. The videos have of course been shared millions of times, the whole country knows about it, I would even say the whole of Europe. Wilhelm and Simon locked themselves in Wille's room in Hillerska. Wilhelm is anxious, Simon reassures him. It's been like this since the moment that the kiss was exchanged. It wasn't supposed to be like this, Wilhelm had to listen to the Christmas concert and then leave, it wasn't complicated, but he was in love, and that changes everything.

Wilhelm had never been in love, never felt anything towards another person. He didn't know that his first love would be a scholarship student at an elite school, but above all he didn't think he would fall in love with a boy, he saw himself with a woman that his parents would have presented to him, children, in fact he didn't see a future in which he would be king, all the plans he had made in his head had fallen through when his brother had the accident. No, it wasn't meant to be like this, he doesn't want to be king, he's not capable of it, he's not like his brother, who was exemplary, Wilhelm isn't, there's a sex tape of him and Simon on the internet, videos of him fighting at parties, he doesn't have the skills to be king. Why did Erik leave? It would have been much easier, if he was still there, he could have been in love with Simon without being told he has to create a family, and then pass on the crown. If Erik was still here, he would have called him, he would have told him how he felt about Simon, he would have introduced him, he would have said "This is Simon, my boyfriend", because yes, he wants Simon to be his boyfriend, he wants to be with Simon, maybe it won't last all his life but right now that's what he wants, but he can't do it while his mother is there to lecture him. "You're the crown prince, that's a privilege" and blah, blah, blah, blah. But Wilhelm also has only one sentence in mind, the one he would have wanted to say to his brother, because he would have reacted well, he would have laughed and then said "Wait, you're serious", then he would have shouted everywhere,  "My little brother is in love", he wouldn't care if his brother was in love with a boy, because he would see his brother happy. But his mother won't react like that, he knows he'll tell his mother, well he hopes he doesn't chicken out at the last minute, because he can. He's already imagining a lot of scenarios in his head, but will she react this way, or will it be worse?

Wilhelm is lying in bed with his head on Simon's chest, stroking his hair. Wilhelm is in love and so is Simon.

"That was August." These were Wilhelm's first words in two hours. Simon stopped his gestures in the other boy's hair, he was confused he didn't understand. Wilhelm stood up and looked Simon in the eye.

"The video, it was August, Wilhelm got angry and stood up, he told me I could trust him, but how could I trust his words when he filmed us and especially shared the video. How dare he do that..." He had started to pull his hair, but Simon took his hands to stop him, he looked Wilhelm in the eye.

"Stop it, Wille. You're hurting yourself for nothing. The damage is done, the video has been broadcast, there's nothing you can do about it.

- You can't say that! He got up and got out of bed, looking at Simon. You don't have a reputation to uphold, you're not the crown prince. I don't want to be either, but I am, I have no choice!

- Come here, Simon lightly tapped the sheets and opened his arms to let Wilhelm take refuge in them. He wasn't reacting badly because he knew it was anger, he just needed to calm down so he changed the discussion, at least he tried to. Let's talk about what you did earlier. Why did you come back?"

Wilhelm settled into Simon's arms and didn't answer, he breathed in Simon's scent, the scent that made him feel safe, the scent he loved so much. After ten minutes Wilhelm's breathing became more regular, he looked soothed, he had fallen asleep because he was so exhausted, this story had tired him out. Simon lightly stroked the prince's arm and kissed his forehead. He sent a message to his mother which said.

"I'm with Wilhelm, he needs me, I'm not coming home tonight, don't wait up.

Then Simon found a more comfortable position to fall asleep in turn. The two boys were in love and who could change that? According to Simon nobody according to Wilhelm everything. But for the moment they were both asleep in a world where everything was much simpler.

"I am looking for someone to help me proofread, as I am not bilingual in English, and I would like it to be presentable. My insta is Loohyz_ if you are interested send me a message.


- be good at spelling and grammar

- Please avoid using American expressions that are only in English.

- Be able to keep the chapter secret until it is posted.

For this chapter if it will be different"

Young Royals alternative endजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें