I love you too

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It was cold, the winter wind was blowing on Wilhelm's face, he was shaking all over, when he knocked on Simon's door, his hands hurt so much. He had cried a lot too, he had remembered that his life was nothing without being able to hold Simon in his arms, without being able to kiss him, fall asleep with caresses or even just without his smell, he was in love and he wanted to shout it to Sweden, to tell his mother that he didn't care that she had to give up her childhood sweetheart because he knew that Simon was no fad, that tomorrow his feelings would not fade away even if his mother asked him to.

Speaking of his mother, his phone had rung, again and again indicating the name "Mum". But he had let it ring, he had not hung up, he had just played dumb.

His heart was pounding as the door opened to reveal a panicked Simon. They had both thrown themselves into each other's arms and cried so hard that Linda had had to drag them inside to keep them from catching a chill, Wilhelm had explained between sobs what had happened, and that he had taken the first bus to join him. To be with him on Christmas Day.

Now they were lying in Simon's bed in the same position as the first night, but with tears and hundreds of memories. Two cups of tea steaming on the bedside table. They didn't talk, they just held each other and loved each other. More than the earth would have liked, I'm pretty sure even the stars could see the love they had for each other. And I'm also sure Erik would be proud of his little brother, because he rebelled to be who he was and not a Wilhelm created entirely for the media married to a perhaps pretty woman but who he wouldn't love like the young boy he met in the high school he didn't want to go to in the first place. But what would he be without Simon, and without all the experiences he had gone through proving to him that he was certainly not ready to be the king of Sweden but that he would do it to shout to Sweden and even to the whole world that love is love and he will be able to tell his stories to the future generations, telling them that to be afraid is human but when you can live with the person you love you forget everything.

And the most beautiful detail in this story is that on the evening of their reunion, on Christmas Day, they had loved each other, again and again. They had loved each other, again and again, mixing their bodies and their tears to become one. And that's how that night was engraved in their memory, turning that Christmas into one of the most beautiful in the world. Simon no longer said Merry Christmas but I love you.

Wilhelm had waited until after the Christmas holidays to talk to his mother again. His mother had told him
"I will never accept that my son is in love with a boy, but you are still my son, so I will love you anyway.

Four and a half years later, the queen died of an illness, leaving Wilhelm and Simon alone. And especially leaving Wilhelm in power, but Simon too. And so, five years after the Christmas episode, Wilhelm and Simon became the first homosexual royal couple...

Wilhelm had forgiven August, who by the way was married to Sara which is quite funny because Felice was his so-called future wife. But she was married to an outsider whom she loved more than anything.
"I love you Simon.
- I love you too Wille, and fuck the universe, because I am with you, and because you are the one I love.    "

And that is the end of my alternative ending. Thank you all for following along and I love you. And I'm SO CONTENT BECAUSE SEASON 2 IS OFFICIAL. KEJDOD.


SEPTEMBER 22, 2021.

Love you and maybe see you soon ❤
Let's start a revolution!


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