The sleepover

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You thank  Donna for letting you stay over. You go back to your house. "Hello Mother."you say to Miranda. "Hello you stupid child."Mother says. "Can you stop calling me names for once."You raise your voice. "No. And you do not raise your voice at me. And your not Eva."Mother says ."Oh SINCE IM NOT EVA IM NOT YOUR CHILD WITH FEELINGS?! HM? IM NOT SELFISH UNLIKE YOU. UGH I HATE YOU. I WISH I COULD GO BACK IN TIME WHEN I WAS LITTLE WHEN YOU ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT ME!"you yell. "I NEVER WANTED YOU."Miranda yells. You walk out of the room crying. You cry your self to sleep.


You were 4. "mama."you said "yes my little Angel."Miranda says. "I love you. Can we play?"you asked her. "Of course we can."Miranda says. Miranda played with you.

Age 7. "Happy birthday my angle"Miranda says. "Thanks Ma."you say.

Age 13
"You stupid child. I never wanted you."Miranda yells .

End of flash back.
You get up. You get dressed. And leave. You call Donna. "Donna can I stay with you. It's not safe at home."you say crying. "Of course darling."she says in a calming voice. "Thank you."you say. "No problem my love."you say. After a few hours you start to leave. "Where do you think your going."Miranda says. "Leave Miranda."you say. "It's mother to you."Miranda says. "I won't call you that. Your not a mom."you say. You leave.
When you see Donna you run to her crying and hugging you."love are you okay?"Donna asks. "No. Miranda is crazy and I hate it at home."you say crying. Donna made you feel safe and loved.

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