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You hug Donna tight. "Donna I don't wanna go home."you say crying "I know my love. I'm sorry about her but I can't really do anything I'm sorry."Donna says. You don't leave her arms. After a few hours the maid made lunch."Donna is my mom like that at meetings?"you ask. "No. Not at all. I mean she can be a little mean and rude but never like how she is with you. And she's so kind to rose. Even though she really has nothing to do with her at the moment but she still has that motherly love."Donna says. "Oh. It seems like all the rest of the lords are more didn't do anything I feel like she's all about being a lord and stuff."you say sadly. "Yeah."Donna says not knowing how to reply back to that. "You can stay as long as you want. I don't mind it." Donna says."it's good to have someone else with me who's well. You know human. I love all my dolls but it's good to have human inter action with others"Donna says. "Yeah. I get it. I haven't been talking to anyone else but you."you say. Donna smiles. She feels happy and special. A few hours pass and you and Donna pay some games and Angie is out somewhere. No one knows where Angie goes when she leaves the house. Donna really never leave the house. She only leaves when she has to get more food and for meetings and missions. But that's all. I kinda feel bad. She lost her family and my moth- Miranda took her in as her own before I came into the  world.

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