Raised by Donna

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You her mainly raised by Donna. She was more of a Mom than Miranda. They reason why you only have a few good memories is because Miranda got caught being mean. Donna basically took you in as her own. You are very close with Donna. Angie well it's hard to explain Angie but she's okay. But one time I caught her on the felling fan while it's on and she yelled "MAMA LOOK AT ME IM A HELICOPTER!"Angie yelled. Donna looked at Angie. "Angie it's the fifth time this week and it's only Monday MONDAY!"Donna yelled and said. I was dying laughing. And one time Angie pretend to be Donna. This is how it went. "Oo look at me I'm Donna and I love dolls."Angie said walking weirdly. "Really Angie that's not how I act."Donna said annoyed. Me and Angie started laughing hard. Meanwhile Donna looked very annoyed. Donna taught me all the things I need. I loved Donna with all my heart. I was close with Daniela Dimitrescu. She is like a little sister to me. We are best friends we are always together when we can. I don't call Miranda Mother anymore. She is really not my Mom. When I was two I called Donna Mama. Miranda was kinda mad but not for too long. Karl is my Godfather and Donna is my Godmother. The only reason why is because Karl also kinda raised me to. He taught me how to build. And Donna taught be how to sew and make dolls. I love both the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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