Ultimate Officer

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Ultimate Officer

He is

part of

Four heaven guardians

from earth kingdom

Before he was

A guardian

for earth kingdom

he was an officer


for the

earth kingdom

It was a

start to become

A guardian

of his own

for the earth prince

A kind





Earth officer

he can be


with his work

Now a guardian

for prince

of earth kingdom

He randomly meets

Other girls

from the moon kingdom

with his friends

His eyes capture

A girl with

yellow gold

sunshine hair

A glow of

free spirit

Her name is

Sailor Venus

she is a


for the moon kingdom

and for the

Moon Princess

who has

fallen in love

with the

Earth Prince

He may be

the leader

of the

Four heaven Kings


Has fallen

in love

with that

guardian girl

He can be

the leader

of the group

act like

Ultimate officer

but his heart

has claim

something better

The Earth officer


has love

in his heart

for her

An officer

and leader

the guardian girl

has capture

his heart

he may be

the top


like the rest

She sees him

for him

and the


he is

Ultimate guardian

with many talents


being the

earth’s officer

A young soldier


the ultimate officer

and the four heaven kings

is the

Ultimate Officer

All literature poems and stories belong to scareystrangeneko18 and scareygirl15. Can't not be use in any manner without owners permission.

Art of Kunzite belongs to Kir-Tat in deviant art.

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