Ultimate Luna

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Ultimate Luna

She is

A guardian

of her own

To protect

the sailor scouts

from evil

but she must


them all

finding them

is a challenge

but their faces

are easy

to find

and chose them

to be the

new sailor scouts

Sailor Guardian

Luna herself

is also

A sailor guardian

back in

Moon kingdom


her other knight

who's a hunter

his name is


he is a

knight of

moon kingdom

he and Luna

are married

they were

turn to cats

when the kingdom

fallen apart

in reality

there humans

as well

luna is

Ultimate Luna

by her symbol

on her


is part

of the moon

just like

Sailor Moon

she may be

a cat

A cat with


of the moon

from the


Luna’s power

she is the

Ultimate Luna

Art Of Luna from Sailor Moon belongs to Naschi in deviant art.

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