Ultimate Courage

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Ultimate Courage
He has heart
kind to others
when he needs 
to be
but he will
protect his friends
as possible
he is brave
tries to 
keep his cool
not let 
the evil
or lies 
get to him
he has 
the courage 
to fight this
with his friends
no matter what
he isn’t alone
has grown
to them all
even in tough
there all 
hanging strong
This won’t win
he will solve 
every case
to keep his
friends safe
from harm 
won’t let evil
win the battle
will fight 
through this 
awful mess
just to go
back to where
it’s safe 
away from the 
horrible fear
and scares 
No more worries
He will
never give up
he has hope
brave enough
to face it 
full on
he has 
like no other
the gust
fearless one
he is the
Ultimate Courage 
full of encouragement
he has 
strong courage
Ultimate Courage

Art of Hajime Hinata belongs to sadolen in deviant art. 

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