The Gift

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The Gift

She wasn’t


to this gift

she had

Every dream

or vision

she had

she will draw

each time

a marking

or a person

she never seen

maybe there

just dreams

she randomly has

but this is

too real

she is already

in this mess

The world

of shadow hunters

as for evil demons

to other bad guys

many more

she has the gift

that no one


her skills

of drawing


of anything


A new power

she is

train to


A shadow hunter

just like

her mother

she was

trying to protect

her own daughter

from the evil

harms her

and her brother


The bad guy

who wants to

kill and rule

shadow hunter

is her dad


she has to

stop him

with her power

of the gift

she has

gift with power

of art marking

and skills

from shadow hunters

she is gifted

with that power

The Gift

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