Chapter 3: Away

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I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I checked what time it was. It was 5:55 am. I got up and headed downstairs. Then I saw my mom and dad with suitcases.

Jake: Mom? Dad?

Mom: Hi honey, what are you doing up so late?

Jake: I just woke randomly, we're you guys going?

Dad: Your mother and I Have been planning to go on a vacation for a bit. We'll be gone for 2 weeks.

Jake: 2 weeks!? Wait why can't me and Jason come.

Dad: Well, this vacation was for us to relax. And this could be a great opportunity for you and Jason to build a strong bond before you're brother leaves on Wednesday.

Jake: Wait but, how are you guys going to say goodbye to him? You guys will still be where ever it is you guys are going.

Dad: We will call him.

Jake: Ok then. Bye I guess.

Mom: Adios Mijo. Behave ok.

Jake: Yep.

Both mom and Dad left and I went to Jason's room to tell him the News.

Jake: Jason....


Jake: Jason, Jason, Jason, Jason!!!!!

Jason: Ughh! What!!

Jake: Mom and Dad left on vacation for the next two weeks.

Jason: How do you know?

Jake: I just saw them downstairs with their suitcases. They said they were gonna be gone for the next two weeks.

Jason: Ok.... and?

Jake: Just thought you should know. And also what are you and me going to do until Wednesday. Since you leave for University on Wednesday.

Jason: Idk, look it's Saturday just let me sleep.

Jake: Ok, but just know you leave on Wednesday and mom and dad are still gonna be gone. So that means I'll be left alone.

Jason: So? You can take care of yourself. You're 17.

Jake: I know. It's just that.... Remember, I said we would build a strong bond before you left.

Jason: Here, how about this for a brotherly bond.....

Jake: Ok what Is-

Jason: Sleep, and don't disturb me!!

He turned around and went back to sleep.

Jake: Sigh* alright.

I left his room and headed downstairs.

I got some cereal and scrolled through Twitter while I ate. Nothing really interesting in Twitter these days.

After I was done eating, it was still pretty early in the morning. So I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. So I changed out my sleep clothes and put some formal ware and grabbed my head and put some music.

(Go to the top and swipe. This is a classic for me. Very good song)

And like that I was outside enjoying the early morning sunrise. I love the sight of the sunrise. I continue to walk around my neighborhood. I made my way towards a gas station for some junk food. It's a 7 Eleven that is really close to my home. Like just a 5 min walk. I walked into the 7 Eleven and was greeted by a good friend

Jacob: Hey Jake.

Jake: Sup Jacob.

Jacob: Just here for the usual?

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