Chapter 1

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  "Jamie!!" I screamed excitedly. My best friend was back in town. He had been away in college for 4 years, this was the first time we've gotten together since he left. I mean why wouldn't I be happy?

He was a vampire-werewolf hybrid and was bullied a lot when we were younger, but I always stood up for him. This mutual respect made us inseparable at a young age. We've been this way since we were 2 years old because our parents were close too.

"Demi!!" He squealed. He was just as excited as I was
Like I said, inseparable.

"So is there any new tea to spill?"
He gave me those desperate puppy eyes.

"What, no drama...?" I said in a mocking baby voice.

He laughed, "No, it was nothing like highschool." he put on a pouty face as he looked at me with a grin starting to form on his face.

I told him I would be moving over coffee later that day at our favorite café. I told him I was going to go off to study somewhere else. I couldn't exactly get my desired education in this small Pennsylvania town and plus, I hated my home life.

I have an alcoholic father who abused my mom along with us too. Me and my little sister. Mom always said "No matter what we go through, we're mates and nothing can break us apart". I always tried to convince her to leave with me when I moved but it was useless. She refused every time I offered. I didn't understand, she could run away but didn't, all because they were 'mated'

3rd POV

Jamie and Demi talked and talked over 5 espressos that they drank back to back. They were so hyped up on caffeine they decided to take a walk to their favorite park and try to act like kids again.

After 3 hours together they decided she was going to spend the night at Jamie's house. She couldn't go home after being gone almost all day. She knew her dad might as well kill her, but she also knew he would do a lot worse.

She was a werewolf-witch hybrid, something that wasn't even supposed to exist. There are only two of her kind, her and her little sister, Delilah. Demi ended up being the cripple though. Because of their type of hybrid, it caused problems while she was in the whom, similar to the deformities involved in some cases of incest. She thought the world hated her for a very long time.

She has had 5 surgeries and it had all gotten much better since she was born, she could run and do everything a normal person could, but she still walked a little awkwardly. Jamie stood up for her and she stood up for him.

Jamie's POV

We went walking in the park, but I already knew she wasn't going to talk about her home life. Her sister told me that everything had gotten significantly worse, for her especially, since I left. Her sister also told me about some of the things he started doing to her as punishment. I was still hoping she was going to talk to me.

That's why we went to our favorite cafe, then to our favorite park.

She doesn't like to talk about it a lot for an understandable reason. I hated that she wouldn't tell me anything about it anymore and share the weight of it like she used to. Sometimes I want to force her to talk, but I can only hope she'll talk to me when she's ready.


I unpublished and am going to republish every chapter but I need to proofread them first❤

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