Chapter 4

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  I woke up around 11am. The best sleep I've had in years. Having a constant fear that your father is going to wake up from a drunken state and decide he wants to sexually assault you does that. I'm just thankful Delilah never dealt with it like I did. All she got was the mental abuse which isn't as bad as the mental, physical, and sexual abuse I got.

  I woke up and there was a fresh pair of clothes jeans, sweatshirt, undies, bra, socks, the whole 9 yards. And beside those was my makeup bag i had atbmy house.

  "JAMIE!!!" I screamed, hoping he was in the house.

  Next thing I know I hear stomps come running up the stairs. Ofcourse it was Jamie. "D what's wrong!?" He yelled before he got to the door way.

  "You went to the house while I was asleep!?" I scolded him.

"Number one, lose the tone with me you know I don't deal with that well, you're not my mother you don't get to scold me no matter how close we are I will do what I want without your permission. Number two, I knew he wouldn't hit me or hurt me because he's Dad's second in command so I knew it was safer for me to go than both of us to go. Three I brought everything of yours. And I mean EVERYTHING from your house," he said in a very irritated tone.

  "Fine, but what about Delilah and Mom, their probably worried sick! Especially Lil' D!"

  " Babe they're not worried I promise, they know exactly where you are and they know you are going to be staying here until you move ok? You can relax, everything is ok I promise and there is no need to worry"

  "Fine! Jesus Christ, why do you have to be so stubborn!" I said in an irritated voice but I still managed to laugh.

  He smiled and said, "But you still love me!"

  He was right i will always love him. He is a brother to me and has been since we were children.

  I'm so glad he's going to be helping me get ready to go this week and I am honestly so ready to go. I cant keep living here in this awful pack. I know it's disrespectful to leave your pack, but in all fairness I've pretty much been shunned by the pack, I'm ignored by everyone but my family. I don't know why people think I don't have a wolf though and that is the main reason I've been shunned. But ofcourse, no one knows about the abuse.

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