6: Technically inside

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March 2011

"What do you like to talk about?" Anthony asked, dangling his feet as he sat next to his friend on the playground, obviously in the way of the other children trying to access the slide which was the most popular attraction.

Stephen shrugged. Anthony always thought him to be so solemn, but he liked Stephen anyway.

"I like talking about what I read. How about you?"

"I like robots and sci-fi and LEGO! I like building things," beamed Tony. Stephen had never felt it before but it seemed like Tony's enviable energy was making its way into Stephen, making him listen more intently. "Did I tell you I was building a robot?"

Stephen nodded. "Dum-E."

"Dum-E is a dummy. He picked up my dad's coffee mug and dropped it on the floor. He was really mad at me and I had to do all of my homework."

"What was the homework?"

"Math. I don't like math but I'm good at it. Are you good at math?"

"Yes," Stephen replied, wondering why Anthony was even speaking to him. He appreciated it, he'd never had a real friend before. And it also seemed like Anthony was making an effort with him just like Ancient One had told him that friends do.

"My guardian says I have a special mind. She says I remember things like pictures. It's like I can flip through what I know."

"That is so cool! Do you only remember pictures?" Anthony asked excitedly, clamoring to know more about Stephen's 'special mind'.

"No. I basically can remember anything."

Anthony stared at Stephen in awe like he was his favorite hero personified. He also felt envious since he had to read the pages in the history books ten times before he could memorize those facts.


April 20th 2019

Stephen wasn't allowed outside. Not like he often did go out but now when he wasn't allowed there was nothing he'd rather do. Mostly because he wanted to make sure Tony was all right and to make sure he'd know he wasn't alone.

But, all the Ancient One let him do was study or be on his phone.

Stephen tried to open up to the cloak but he was still, admittedly, a bit frightened of it. It kept its distance for now, understanding that Stephen needed space.

The cloak found an opportunity to be close to Stephen, the only person it had been close to for centuries, while he was in fact astral projecting for the first time ever. He was hellbent on doing so without the Ancient One's knowledge so he could at least see Tony. That was enough for him.

It was a weird feeling, and a weird sight to step out of his body and watch himself looking like a sleeping statue while fully sitting up.

"Damn it feels good being me," he whispered to himself as he watched what he'd accomplished all on his own in just a few hours of studying.

Stephen wanted to try to poke himself but his finger phased through his cheek, but he immediately stopped when he felt a light sensation of something impaling his cheek. "Eugh!" Stephen yelped and hopped away from himself. Well... he floats so... floated away.

It took. For. Ever. To get to that hospital. Why did he have to be at the one farthest away from Bleecker Street? Stephen asked himself and floated through all the walls, feeling all-powerful since no one could see him, hear him or tell him where he could and couldn't go.

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