Public eye * Chris Brown*

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I placed our kids in the car seats when you pulled up. you jumped out car and tried to open the door .

Chris: Natasha baby listening to daddy and unlock the door

Natasha: mommy said your in trouble

Chris: listen to me and follow what daddy said

I was walking out the house when I heard the door unlocked and I ran out to the driveway to see him taking the kids out of the car seats. I ran over to you and began to pull my kids away. When I stepped back I saw that we was frightening the kids. I waited until the was in their room.

Chris: you leaving me

Ashanti: what ! you care now ( ha) been about nine months since you cared Christopher

Chris: you know I love you

Ashanti: coulda of fooled me

Chris: shanti baby you know you the only one for me

Ashanti: lies you stay lying why cant you just say the truth huh

Chris: fine I fuck the other hoes and I make love to you. I lie to you because I care about your feelings

Ashanti: You cant be serious can you . quoting a fucking line of baby boy and you about to loose everything

Chris: fine you want to leave but you not taking my fucking kids

Ashanti: you honestly think im leaving my kids. you must be on them pills again

Chris: come on Ashanti you know I went to rehab

Ashanti: and who was there for you

Chris: you were

Ashanti: when they locked yo ass up who held you down

Chris: you did

Ashanti: but I had to find out from TMZ .. Fucking TMZ Christopher

Chris: I wanted to tell you

Ashanti: tell me when she was seven. I cant believe that I said my vows to you

Chris: You don't mean that

Ashanti: when the kids wake up from the nap im leaving

Chris: leaving? ( crying )

Ashanti: and im leaving too

I walked to the bed room and sat on the floor while tears flowed down my eyes. I cant believe my marriage was going down in the drain. All because he lied.

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