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"Okay, you remember what we practiced?" Robin said as he straightened up the tie on her school uniform.
"Yes! My name is Starfire and I am the exchange student!"
Robin sighed taking a step back to look her up and down. Making sure she looked exactly as she needed to for her big day.
"No no. Your name is Kori, and you are A exchange student." Robin emphasized each thing she had gotten wrong.
Starfire nodded rapidly and braced herself to try again.
"Alright, yes. Okay. Uhm. My name is Kori and I am a exchange student." She stuck out her hand eagerly so Robin could shake it. Robin took her hand with somewhat of a proud expression forming under his mask.
"Good. Are you sure you want to do this Star?Keeping our identities a secret is hard enough living in a giant T and some of us being green. I mean you have pink hair Star." Robin said worriedly.
He had started to fuss over her more as they got older. They both knew she could handle herself but every since an incident a couple months back he kept her close. They didn't talk about it though. He had always fused over their identities as well, going on and on about justice and code and all that. Starfire had never really seen the point in it but if that's what Robin wanted her to do if she wanted to go to school she would oblige. Going under her forgotten Tamarian name wouldn't hurt too much.
"Yes! I want to go to school with all of you, it gets lonely sitting here in the alone."
Robin glanced at her.
"I mean, sitting here being lonely."
Robin has been brushing her up on her speaking patterns as to not draw anymore attention to her than needed all summer in between battles and his intense work out routine he had forced himself to fall harder and harder into recently.
Robin had changed a lot over the last year or two. His height now exceeding her own, and his physical form becoming more and more sculpted as he wanted it too. His voice had lowered, and something about him just seemed more mature. Starfire didn't really know that was what she was noticing, but she still acknowledged that something about him was different.
Robin sighed and threw on his own tie begrudgingly. Robin hated going to school, he thought he had better things to be doing but that is what Batman wanted him to do. He said he had no clue why. Starfire had noticed that they why didn't seem to matter. What mattered what was Batman told him to do. He would do anything Batman told him to do.
Cyborg had later pushed Beast Boy and Raven into it, insisting that being a super hero did not pay the bills. That their education was important. Starfire didn't really understand that either. Going to school was not something they did on her home planet. Starfire overheard something about how he regretted never being able to finish his education. She didn't really know what he meant, but with age Cyborg seemed to value things he never really valued before.
Beast Boy then threw the door open to the sitting room, throwing around his usual loud voice as he argued with Raven again who look unimpressed as usual. They were fitted in their school uniforms and Raven looked uneasy without her cloak to hide her. Beastboy had shifted into a more human form. His fangs replaced with human like teeth, and his skin now a more caramel color.
Cyborg had been in the kitchen, whipping up some breakfast in a frilly pink apron while singing to himself quietly.
Raven plopped herself down on the barstool groaning.
Beast boy did the same next to her, setting his head on his crossed arms.
"Dude, school has to be the worst idea of ideas."
"You would know, you have had some pretty bad ones." Raven grumbled under her breathe.
"You get up at six in the morning to learn about like math or something." Beast boy said with a wide yawn.
"And look at me! I look hideous!" He shouted.
"School really doesn't need to help you with that." Raven commented again as she set her cheek on her hand."
Starfire couldn't relate. She had been up, well the sun was still down she didn't really know what time it was, getting ready for what she thought would be the biggest adventure of her life. She had heard so many things about the mysterious school and she couldn't wait to see for herself. Robin was less than impressed when he came out from his early morning workout to see her tie tangled up in a knot and her hair done up in a messy array.
Cyborg set up a nicely cooked meal on the bar. He had taken on a more parental role as the years went on, tending to their needs, making sure they did the things they were supposed to do. Even Robin. He was still fun loving Cyborg, but something else was there. As time ticked by, he had realized they were all just kids. Lost and confused kids who had the weight of the world on their shoulders it seemed sometimes.
Once breakfast was finished, they headed out for school. Starfire was practically dripping with anticipation. She had to remind Robin to take off his mask. He always struggled with it, even around her. It took him a long while most days before he eventually fully removed it from his face. If he could, she was pretty sure he would hide his barren face from her too. She should ask him why someday. Yet something about the way he acted around it made it seem like a subject that was unapproachable.
She always thought he looked better without it. He had the deepest ocean blue eyes, and without it she could see his expressions move more smoothly across his face. It was him, and she liked it.
When they got to the gate of Murakami High school, Beast boy hesitated before walking in. They all knew this was the last place he had spoken to Terra, the place any of them saw her alive or maybe what could have been her. She had been found dead a few short days later, and even though sometime had passed Beast Boy lost himself when he saw anything that reminded him of her. He eventually walked in, but Robin kept her there. He grabbed her shoulders.
She answered a string of questions about why she was there and who she was.
"And what are you not supposed to do?" He looked around in a whisper. Most other students had gone inside.
"Fly, shot laser beams, talk about my home planet, or draw extra attention to myself." She responded merrily.
"Okay." Robin pulled a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. It was her schedule which he had put markings all over to help her. She didn't understand why he let her handle giant monsters on her own but not going to high school. She just smiled at his notes however. It was kinda nice seeing how much he worried for her.
"Here is your schedule, if you need anything where I should be at each time of day is written there and here." He pointed to the paper as he explained.
"I'm going to be okay Robin." She then said with a smile.
Robin looked at her with a concerned and somewhat sad expression.
"Yeah. I just don't want anything to happen to you. Be careful."
They then both walked into the building, and Starfire had to stop herself from floating up in joy.

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