"All the worlds a stage."

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"All the worlds a stage. And all the men and women merely players." The Shakespeare droned on in Robins had as the ticking cloak hang up in his English teachers classroom ticked and toked incessantly.
Out of all the classes, he found this one to the most useless of all. He should've just said no to Batman, he should have refused but how could he? No, he must have a reason for doing this so Robin just keep writing notes and worrying about how Starfire was doing. Every since the incident, ever since he had failed to protect her from people who wanted to hurt her, he had made it his mission to protect her .Robins stomach dropped when he saw they only had one class together which happened to be P. E. He didn't know why he was so consumed by his paranoia something was going to happen to her, she had handled way worse on her own. She could sit in a classroom, and write things down on a piece of paper just like he taught her too.
He tried not to think about it, it made him remember that he felt feelings he had been trying to push away for a very long time. He also worried about when the next villain or monster would crop up, leaving to deal with the secrets and excuses.
When the class ended and he got to see her again  and sense of relief washed over him. The rest of the day was spent in the same sort of cycle. Worrying and worrying until he got to see her during passing period and show her to her next class. She seemed happy enough though, ecstatic even. The last class of their day was the one class they had together, and she crushed the entire gaggle of boys who challenged her as a joke in their game of basketball like he knew she would. He felt a small smile rise to his face.
When the bell rang to let them out of school he almost felt suspicious of the relative calm that day had brung. He felt suspicious that the sun was out, and there were no clouds to be seen. He felt suspicious that the way the shadows of the trees rustled and blanketed over them as they walked. It was serene, and serenity was always a warning in his life. Starfire chatted on about how wonderful her day had been to the three friends flanking her side but Robin wasn't listening. He was worried. It was a feeling he could never escape.
Maybe it's because he always felt like someone was watching him. It always felt like something burned on the back of his head, soaking up every moment that should be his own. He tried not to freak out about it, and he tried not to pay attention the frequent nightmares he had been having. The nightmares about watching, about all the things he had been through. Most of the times in his dreams he saw his friends, he saw Starfire met some treacherous end because he couldn't protect them. He tried not to think about it. He didn't want to feel it. He couldn't feel it. He couldn't feel anything but worry.
He didn't even realize when they made it home to the large t-shaped tower. They made managed to take a more discreet route that threw off the other students from seeing them walk towards their home. Starfire titled her head until she was in his line of view with a confused expression as her lips mouthed words he suddenly started to hear.
"Hm?" He hummed as he reached for the mask he left near the door, settling it comfortably over his eyes.
He didn't need too when he was hear, there was really no reason too but it made him feel comforted. Secure. A feeling that he often didn't feel.
Starfire always looked a little disappointed when he put it on.
"Are you the okay Robin?" She asked sweetly.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be." He responded as he walked inside, he was going to talk to Cyborg to see if anything happened while he was away. Even here he felt watched, always watched.
"I do not know. Are you coming to the room of living? Beast boy said he is going to quick the butt in the racing of cars!"
"No I got to go train. We should all train. I know that there haven't been any attacks recently but letting ourselves relax isn't a good idea." Robin lectured. He should be more ridged with his team, but lately he has been so focused on himself. Pushing himself to the limit that he hadn't really thought up it.
Starfire frowned with a sigh. She started to drift off towards the gathering room. Robin stared off at her, watching her as she drifted away gracefully. He had always noticed the way she moved. How when she sliced through the air the whole world watched her for a moment because it was like the ground was made for her to walk on or the sky was made for her to float in more accurately. The whole world watched her. They watched. Someone was watching.
That is when Robin snapped back to reality and went to go catch Cyborg before he joined the others.
"Before you ask, nothing went horribly wrong today Robin and you need to relax." Cyborg said as he stood up from his seat in front of the wall of monitors.
"You've been so on edge lately man, more than usual."
"Do you ever feel like you are being watched Cyborg?" Robin asked suddenly. "Really being watched."
Cyborg got silent at this.
"Sometimes." From the way Cyborg said it, Robin had a feeling he was holding back. His face got dark for a minute as he stared at the floor in deep concentration. Cyborg then smiled, and patted Robin on the shoulder.
"Now I'll be in the living room, having fun. When you learn what that word means, maybe come join us."
Then he was gone, and Robin was alone. Well he wasn't alone, he had a feeling he was never alone. None of them were alone, so he trained and he trained until all he heard outside was the faint splash of the waves as they hit the shore of teen Titians tower.


"All the worlds a stage, all the men and women merely players." He mumbled to himself, writing and writing and writing as the vision of a ebony haired boy played on his mirror. He was tired, but not tired enough to quit. Not tired enough to face the nightmares that greeted him when he slept. Most nights he didn't sleep, and every day it wore on him. The girl always stayed up most nights, mostly until she heard the familiar heavy footsteps of the boys feet making their way to his bedroom. She worried for him. He has always been serious, closed off, but everyday he drifted more and more.
"All the worlds a stage, all the men and women merely players." He said again, chuckling slightly.
"All the men and the women merely." He said again, his booming laughter hugging every word.
"All my world is my stage, all the men and women merely my players." He said quietly this time.
"All my players."
He wrote into the void, laughing as the mirror watched them.

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